The 8th KORL in trenches at Bullecourt (cont.)

The 8th KORL are in the trenches at Bullecourt. They send out a couple of patrols to search for weak spots in the enemy’s defences.

They then spend time in camp at Mory in cleaning, playing sports and having concerts.

On the 12th they are back in the trenches repairing damage caused largely by the bad recent weather.

Back in camp at Mory, they receive a delivery of Christmas Puddings well in time for next month. They spend more time playing sports and having concerts.

Finally, at the very end of the month, they are back in the trenches at Bullecourt on the receiving of gas shells.

  • 1st Nov
  • 2nd Nov
    Patrol went out to find weaknesses in enemy wiring
    Found 2 weak spots near a sunken road
  • 3rd Nov
    G.O.C visited for breakfast
    Successful aid on enemy trenches
    Some enemy retaliation
  • 4th Nov
    Raid on enemy lines. This time the enemy was more prepared
    Relieved by 10th Royal Welsh Fusiliers
  • 5th to 12 Nov
    In camp at Mory
    Cleaning up
    Divisional Band arrived on 6th but did not play due to the rain
    Concert by the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Most of the battalion present at very good show
    Concert by 7th Field Ambulance on 10th
  • 12th Nov
    Relieved the 10th Royal Welsh Fusiliers in the line
  • 13th Nov
    Trenches in bad condition owing to recent rain
    Trench Mortars active
    Snipers disposed of 3 enemy who were on top of the parapet
    Cleaning and rivetting trenches
  • 14th to 16th Nov
    Cleaning and rivetting trenches
    Hostile artillery more active than usual on 15th
    Otherwise quiet
    Relieved by 10th Royal Welsh Fusiliers on 16th
  • 17th to 27th Nov
    In camp at Mory
    Padre [Lt. M.P.G. Leonard] entertained by the junior mess on the 18th as he was leaving for 3 months
    Christmas puddings received… much appreciated
    Prepared to move at 1 hour’s notice
    Brigade boxing contest
    Prepared to move at 1 hour’s notice
    Concert by 10th Royal Welsh Fusiliers… much appreciated by all ranks on 21st
    Brigade boxing finals on 22nd
    Lecture by C.O. on “Trench duties”
    C.O. inspections
    Squad and company drill
  • 28th Nov
    Battalion in reserve at Mory
    P.T. training
    Lewis gunners and bombers training
  • 29th Nov
    Evening concert by Welsh and King’s Own
  • 30th Nov
    Company drill
    Wiring and sandbagging
    Relieved the 10th Royal Welsh Fusiliers in the line
    Artillery active
    Enemy sent numerous gas shells
    War diary of the 8th KORL signed by H.N. Morgan Capt. Adjt for 8th Bn. King’s Own (R.L.) Regt