- 17th Sep
Battalion viewing clay model at Brigade H.Q.
Battalion marched to railway siding and entrained
Line shelled by enemy so battalion detrained and marched 2km along main road to Ypres & the Menin Gate.
Guided to trenches North of Frezenburg
Major D.R. Hunt not in list of officers taking part in the attack (but see next month) - 18th Sep
Barrage on the enemy
Enemy retaliated on Frezenburg and Square Farm - 19th Sep
Artillery very active
Enemy retaliation
Hard rain but men cheerful & eager - 20th Sep
Zero hour 5:40 am
As barrage stopped men went over the top
Enemy barrage but men had already cleared assembly positions
6.10 am Borry farm captured
7.30 am Mitchell’s Farm captured
7.35 am Beck House captured
7.45 am HQ moved to Borry Farm
9.45 am Message received that enemy massing for counter-attack on left front
Counter-attack beaten off by artillery and rifle-fire
3.00 pm Enemy opened strong barrage
Officer casualties : 2 killed, 5 wounded
Intermittent shellfire through the night
L/Cpl W.H. Hewitt of the 2nd SAI won V.C. for his attack on a pill-box - 21st Sep
Enemy dropped bombs on Beck House and Borry Farm
5pm Ordered to evacuate half the regiment but enemy activity stopped all movement -
22nd Sep
Regiment relieved about 4am