Black Carts Turret to Wallhouses 07/07/2024

Start of today's walk
Chesters Stables
Chesters Fort museum
Chesters Fort museum
Chesters Fort museum
Chesters Fort museum
Chesters Fort museum
Chesters Fort museum
Chesters Fort
Chesters Fort
Bridge over the North Tyne at Chollerford
Chesters Fort across the North Tyne
Planetrees Roman wall
The foundations were made full width but the wall itself was about 4 ft thinner than the foundations on the south side so that it took less time to build.
St. Oswald in Lee church
St. Oswald in Lee church
St. Oswald in Lee church
St. Oswald in Lee church
View from St. Oswald in Lee churchyard
The military road
Lunch at Milecastle 24