An old man and a lady
Rev Ogle and his wife at rear of vicarage, Church Lane, Sedgeford
Original caption: An old man and a lady
Original caption: An old man and a lady

Elderly couple outside new house
Rev Ogle and wife outside Brookdale, Church Lane, Sedgeford
Original caption: Elderly couple outside new house
Original caption: Elderly couple outside new house

Father and 2 others by a house being built
Father and Rev Ogle and wife outside Brookdale, Church Lane, Sedgeford
Original caption: Father and 2 others by a house being built
Original caption: Father and 2 others by a house being built

Father inspecting new house
Father and Rev Ogle and wife outside Brookdale, Church Lane, Sedgeford
Original caption: Father inspecting new house
Original caption: Father inspecting new house

View south over The Ladywell, opposite Hill Farm from west end of Church Lane
Original caption: Landscape with river
Original caption: Landscape with river
Original caption: 2 ladies near a cottage