A year at Sedgeford Hall
A Victorian diary of Norfolk country life
Transcribed and researched by Chris & Brenda Selwyn and Tim Snelling

Table of contents


Walter & Alice Hunt
Walter & Alice Hunt

This is the diary of Walter Freeman Hunt for the year 1885. As the diary starts Walter is living at Sedgeford Hall in Sedgeford, Norfolk with his wife Alice and eight children. The family have been living at Sedgeford Hall since around 1880 when Walter took a lease on the hall from his friend Eustace Neville Rolfe of nearby Heacham Hall.

Walter was born on 31 May 1845 to James Edward Hunt and Eliza (née Seager) in Westminster, London. He was educated at Harrow School and Trinity College, Cambridge. He was called to the bar at the Inner Temple on the 17 November 1869 on the South Eastern Circuit.

Alice was born on 4 Feb 1844 to William Mortimore and Harriett (née Foster) at Champion Hill, Camberwell, London. The Mortimore family ran a well established manufacturers of leather goods. Alice and Walter were married at Holy Trinity Church, Paddington on 14 Jul 1870. Between then and moving to Sedgeford, the family lived at 25, Palace Gardens Terrace, Kensington where their first six children were born.


At the beginning of the year, the family consists of Walter, Alice and eight children:- Walter Ernest, Gilbert Mortimore, Reginald Seager, Donald Rolfe, John Foster, Gerald Owen, Gertrude Maud and Nona Isobel.

Ernest (aged 13) is at school at Eton CollegeEton College, Windsor
, Gilbert (aged 12) & Reggie (aged 10) are at school at Laleham in Middlesex under headmaster Frank Buckland. Donald (aged 9) is at school in Norfolk (maybe Wells-next-the-sea). John is aged 6 and Gerald is aged 4. Gertie is nearly 3 and Nona is nearly 9 months old. In between Donald & John there had been another daughter, Ella Mary Alice, born in 1877 but she died at just 6 months. Alice is expecting a child who will be born in August.

Ernest Walter Alice GeraldJohn Reggie Helen Gilbert DonaldNona Frank Gertie
Ernest Walter Alice Gerald
John Reggie Helen Gilbert Donald
Nona Frank Gertie

This picture was taken by Alice Hunt probably about two years after the diary. The baby in Alice's arms is their youngest child, Helen Violet, who was born in 1887. It shows the whole family posing on the lawn at Sedgeford Hall. It is possible to see the tennis court that Walter has marked out in the background.

Walter often communicates by letter and telegram with his wider family members, in particular his brother Frederick Seager Hunt who he refers to as "Fred". Fred is the owner of Seager, Evans & Co. Seager and Evans was founded by Fred's maternal grandfather, James Lys Seager, in partnership with William Evans. Their business is distilling and their most well-known product is Seager's Gin. In the general election held at the end of the year, Fred will be elected as M.P. for the Conservative Party for the constituency of Marylebone West.


Walter is a Justice of the Peace in the Smithdon & Brothercross Hundreds of Norfolk. The Sessions are held twice a month on Mondays and alternate between HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
and DockingHare Inn, Docking
. Hunstanton sessions are on the second Monday of the month and Docking sessions are on the last Monday. Walter has been sitting at the sessions since the end of October 1884. Other J.P.s mentioned in the diary include Henry Hollway Calthrop, Lionel Oliver, Captain Gerard Noel and Hamon Le Strange.

Walter is also a member of the Board of Guardians of the Docking Union that runs the Docking Workhouse. The Board meets every other Wednesday.


The Hunts are accepted as members of the local gentry and are on friendly terms with many owners of large houses in the area. They play tennis at Ingoldisthorpe Hall, the house of Katherine Davy. They regularly visit Stanhoe Hall, the home of the Calthrops and Hollways. Walter dines at Ingoldisthorpe Manor, the home of Rev. Dr. James BellamyDr. James Bellamy
, the President of St. John's College, Cambridge. By virtue of this circle of friends they are invited to evening balls at Sandringham House that is in the process of being rebuilt by the Prince of Wales, the future King Edward VII.

The Hunt family lists all of the local clergy in their social circle. They have a particularly close friendship with the family of Rev. James Ambrose OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
who is the vicar of St. Mary's, Sedgeford. Walter visits Ogle at moments of stress such as after the birth of Frank in August. They are also on very good terms with Rev. George ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
, vicar of Heacham, Rev. John Francis MitchellRev. John Francis Mitchell
, Rector St. Peter's, Wolferton, Rev. Hugh HareHugh James Hare
, Vicar of Docking and Rev. William Thomas BeckettRev. William Thomas Beckett
, Rector of St. Michael, Ingoldisthorpe.

Local village life

Walter regularly visits the local trade shops. He buys postal orders and stamps at Mrs. Skerry's post office. He goes to Mr. Goodliffe's to change cheques. He goes to Binks for hardware and furniture.

The Hunts are on familiar terms with many of the local farmers including the Curls at Glover's farm (just outside the gates of Sedgeford Hall) the Plattens at Wethered Manor, John Anthony at West Hall Farm, the Brookes at Magazine Farm, the Browns at East Hall Farm, the Granges at Hill Farm and the Hubbards at Eaton Farm

The Hunts often visit other local families, particularly in times of bad health.

Significant events during the year

In January, Walter and Alice attend a ball at Sandringham HouseNote: Article in the Lynn Advertiser to mark the coming-of-age of Prince Albert Victor, Prince of Wales.

In June, Walter's nephew, James Edward Hunt, died aged 22. James had been brought up by Fred and his wife Alice. He was the biological son of Walter and Fred's eldest brother James Jennings Hunt who died at the age of just 29 probably in India. Nothing is known of his mother. James had visited Sedgeford Hall earlier in the year and appeared to be not very well but clearly had recovered enough to go home. Walter and Alice attend the funeral and interment at Brompton cemetery in Kensington, London.

August saw the birth of Alice & Walter's tenth child and seventh son, Francis Whittaker. After the birth, Alice was unwell for several weeks. The local doctor was concerned enough to send to the Norfolk and Norwich hospital for a second opinion.

In December, Walter and Alice are once again invited to a ball at Sandringham House. This time the ball is described as a "County Ball". During the year they acquired a brougham and they used this to travel to Sandringham.

Also in December, there was a furniture sale at Sedgeford Hall. Back in October, Walter wrote to Eustace Neville-Rolfe to request a ten-year lease on the Hall. This appears to have prompted Eustace into selling all of the furniture at the Hall despite the fact that the Hunts had already lived there for five years. As a result, the Hunts go on a furniture shopping spree.

Walter is a staunch Conservative, so the General Election in December brings plenty of opportunity for political activity. He chairs several Conservative Party meetings. He is also a member of the Primrose League which is an organisation that exists to spread Conservative principles throughout the country. Fred was a founding member of the Primrose League. After the election results are announced, Walter is extremely unhappy that the Liberal Party candidate, Joseph Arch, was elected for Norfolk North-West.

Chris Selwyn
December 2021

The Diary

1st, Full Moon]January, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Returned to dinner - all with bad colds.

Marnie[?] missed her train in the mgmorning. so left by 2-10 from SnettishamSnettisham Railway Station, Snettisham
- Charlie OgleCharles Pellew Ogle
came to lunch also ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. We three went to HeachamHeacham
. I sat a little with Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& walked home - Paid LawsonGeorge Lawson
. Dividend £50.8 Canadian Consolidated[?] [?] Stock. School bills

Spent the mgmorning & lunched at the vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. Charlie StewartCharles Stewart
lunched here. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I walked part of the way to HeachamHeacham
with him. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
rode Bison about the park. My court dress came at dinner time & after dinner I tried it on.

8th, Moon's Last qr.]January, 1885[4th, Sun Rises 8h 8m.

We all went to churchSt. Mary's church, Sedgeford
. It was very cold.

Dismal dripping day without decided[?] rain. In the mgmorning I went to the vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. In aftnafternoon walked over fields with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
. Jack OgleJohn Gilbert Ogle
came [?] [?]

Fine clear frosty mgmorning GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& I went to LynnLynn
travelling with Mr BlythAnthony Blyth
& OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
there & back. Paid Robinson Kendrick Barnes Sadler &c.

BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day. Fine & bright. I drove there with NewsteadRobert Newstead
, walked home to lunch. Charlie StewartCharles Stewart
here LarryWilliam Laurence Ogle
& AmbroseAmbrose Addington Ogle
came but soon left. Mr & Mrs OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
Henrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
came to see motherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
s dress & my court suit. I walked back with them to the vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
& brought back a [?] [?] Review[?] out of which I read to the boys ‘The Black Poodle’

Sets 4h. 3m.]January, 1885[Day 7h. 55m. long

Fine mgmorning but becoming windy, dull & gloomy aftnafternoon. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
Alice Hunt (née Mortimore)
had a headache. I walked to Travers'[?] saying I wd buy some mutton of him[?] Only half the "Times" came. Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
came in aftafternoon to see our dresses & in egevening AgnesAgnes Jones
& Little Agnes JonesAgnes M Jones
Miss SkerryEliza Skerry
& Mrs CrispAnne Crisp (née Jarrett)
came to see us [?] & start for the SandringhamSandringham House, Sandringham
Ball. - All well & home by 3 o'ck

Fine mgmorning MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
Alice Hunt (née Mortimore)
not up. PlattenGeorge Platten
came & I walked with him to his horse stables & sat with Mrs P.Martha Anne Platten
After lunch I called on Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
, it came on to rain. Letter from FosterFoster Mortimore
in the mgmorning about unpaid dividend & from AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
saying how ill JamesJames Edward Hunt

Very wet mgmorning NewsteadRobert Newstead
drove to SnettishamSnettisham
for oats. Summons for [?] Young - Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
in mgmorning. To HeachamHeacham
in aftnafternoon. Saw ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)

16th, New Moon]January, 1885[11th, Sun Rises 8h. 5m.

Bitter day. Cold & N.W. wind with heavy showers - I went to church alone mgmorning & evgevening

Sessions at HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
- Deep snow on the ground so I went by train & arrived at little late. OliverLionel Oliver
drove me back to HeachamHeacham
where I lunched with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
who had been out in the mgmorning shooting some snipe. He gave me one & walked part of the way home with me - more snow at night.

Snow deep [?] where decided that GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
cd not go to London for Liverpool tomorrow. Took a walk with gun shot a jay & cleared away some snow from path. In aftnafternoon to shop to change a cheque. Saw the vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
he came on here Mrs BeckettElizabeth Sarah Beckett (née Barrow)
called in sleigh. Walked back with vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
. LambertJames Lay Lambert
sent in a bill for carr stone for which I had paid [?].

I walked to SnettishamSnettisham
with telegrams. Beautiful bright mgmorning. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
Alice Hunt (née Mortimore)
went out after lunch to see the world. Thaw began.

Sets 4h. 12m]January, 1885[Day 8h 7m. long

Cold thaw. Heard that JamesJames Edward Hunt
had arrived. I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. Young Brown came about a summons - about which I wrote to BlythAnthony Blyth
& walked up to Mr BrownWilliam Brown
s farm in aftnafternoon.

ParryDr. George Parry
's bill. Letter from Bernie NewmarchBernard James Newmarch
. Decided after much agitation that GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
shd go tomorrow. So ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
rode to SnettishamSnettisham
with telegram asking Sadler to come this aftnafternoon. Sadler came at lunch & measured boys & I showed him the way to SnettishamSnettisham
. LarryWilliam Laurence Ogle
came & sat some time with me. I showed him walked part of the way home with him - Before going to bed decided that GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
shd not go.

Letter from Mrs Hollway[?] for Braybrookes character[?] Avis[?] from Mle La petite cuisine. Summons signed against EwenEdward Ewen
for a ferocious dog - ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I walked to BrownWilliam Brown
s about the hare. Decided not to issue summons. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
gone to SnettishamSnettisham
. In aftnafternoon I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford

24th, Moon's first qr.]January, 1885[18th, Sun rises 7h. 58m.

All to church in mgmorning. I read After lunch I walked to HeachamHeacham
. Saw StewartHenry Cockburn Stewart
, Mrs SDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
walked part of the way back. I went to church alone in egevening. FosterRalph Browne Forster
schoolmaster walked home with me

Horse too bad to use so drove with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
in car to BeckettRev. William Thomas Beckett
Elizabeth Sarah Beckett (née Barrow)
s. They wd[?] have us to dinner next Thursday. Very cold, home through park. After lunch ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I in dog cart drove to HeachamHeacham
- brought home some whisky. In egevening whist

Very cold in mgmorning but very still. Went out with gun rabbiting in park, after lunch also - & walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
meeting Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
in village. Vicar James Ambrose Ogle
not well. Sent a note to Pull by Wagg[?]

BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day - ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
walked here & we drove together meeting OliverLionel Oliver
who had kindly come for me. Home late for lunch - Vet surgeon came - I walked to HeachamHeacham
with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
- Saw Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
for a moment, & sat with StewartHenry Cockburn Stewart
for a while. Home just before dinner - whist.

Sets 4h. 23m.]January, 1885[Day 8h. 25m. long

Very fine & frosty. River [?] -14 degrees of frost in night. Met PlattenGeorge Platten
who told me about osiers* Robert ForsterRobert Forster
was charged with stealing oziers at a property of Eustace Neville Rolfe Story in British Newspaper Archive
. I asked him for ShawWilliam Shaw
& went to osier bed with him. GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& I lunched with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
walked home with us.

NewsteadRobert Newstead
& SkipperLeonard Skipper
drove to HeachamHeacham
to fetch away Charlie Rolfe's lions. After lunch ShawWilliam Shaw
came and we examined damage done to osiers. Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
came too with ShawWilliam Shaw
. I walked most of the way to HeachamHeacham
with them. BarkerGeorge Nathan Barker
p.c. came in egevening

Old FosterRobert Forster
came about the osiers he said he was sorry but I could not help him. Then ShawWilliam Shaw
& BarkerGeorge Nathan Barker
came - I went to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- After lunch met vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
he rather in favour of FosterRobert Forster
. I walked up to BrownWilliam Brown
s about him[?] Then sat some time at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford

30th, Full Moon]January, 1885[25th, Sun rises 7h. 51m.

All went to church. Mr BrownWilliam Brown
spoke to me aftwdsafterwards. I lunched at HeachamHeacham
. Church alone in egevening walking home with Mrs PlattenMartha Anne Platten

Sessions at DockingHare Inn, Docking
. OliverLionel Oliver
drove me. Home about 3o'clock looking in here to see The Times[?] I went to enquire for Mrs OughtonSarah Oughton
met ParryDr. George Parry
there who drove me home & stayed a little while.

ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
shot a cock pheasant. Went to enquire for Mrs OHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
& called in at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. Wrote to OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
. GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& I drove to HunstantonHunstanton
meeting Mrs SDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
giving each a lift towards SnettishamSnettisham

Boys went back to LalehamLaleham School, Laleham
rather a melancholy mgmorning drove them to SnettishamSnettisham
in wagonette. It turned out a very wet day. After lunch I walked to HeachamHeacham
in the rain[?] to arrange about tomorrow's shoot.

Sets 4h. 34m.]January, 1885[Day 8h. 43m. long.

Shooting all day. Very windy. We provided lunch. I dined at HeachamHeacham
. LewisAlfred Lewis
AnthonyJohn Nicholas Anthony
PlattenGeorge Platten
CurlThomas Curl
BrownWilliam Brown
[?] Williamson Wells Walker self & ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson

Was to have gone to shoot over Barney's[?] but thought it too wet. DonaldDonald Rolfe Hunt
went off early with NewsteadRobert Newstead
. At home all day.

Very bright mgmorning but it turned out a cold dismal dreary wet day. I did not go far from home all day though I started once or twice for the vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford

6th, Moon's last qr.]February, 1885[1st, Sun rises 7h. 41m.

I alone to church. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
Alice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I in afternoon. I alone in egevening. Fine day

NewsteadRobert Newstead
wished to see his doctor so I let him drive the mare to HunstantonHunstanton
. I met all the PlattenGeorge Platten
Martha Anne Platten
s & Mr & Mrs Walker going for aconites[?] so brought them to the shrubbery[?]. Some time spent in & about the house. In the aftnafternoon MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
Alice Hunt (née Mortimore)
went to see the boy HinesElijah David Hines

Wrote letters - I went to call & see how Mrs OughtonSarah Oughton
was. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
Alice Hunt (née Mortimore)
to HinesElijah David Hines
. At home all the afternoon walking about garden with MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
Alice Hunt (née Mortimore)

BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day. Walked there with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
meeting him at GoodliffeWilliam Goodliffe
's by chance. Home for lunch a little after 1-30. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
had a funeral at 3 so he came round at 2-15. I drove ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
back to HeachamHeacham
then went on to HunstantonHunstanton
speaking to S[?] Hollway - very cold drive home. Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
walked over & I part of the way back with them. Heard from AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
& JamesJames Edward Hunt
that they were coming tomorrow

Sets 4h. 47m.]February, 1885[Day 9h. 6m. long

Fine mgmorning but turned out a nasty day. I walked over to HeachamHeacham
to lunch & then ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
walked with me to HunstantonHunstanton
where I attend the House Committee of Convalescent[?] HomeHunstanton Convalescent Home, Hunstanton
- walked back to HeachamHeacham
with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. Then Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
came with us part of the way to SedgefordSedgeford Hall, Sedgeford
- met the dog-cart- AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
& JamesJames Edward Hunt
arrived about 4o'ck. News that KhartoumKhartoum, Sudan
had fallen.

Fine mgmorning. Miss SkerryEliza Skerry
came about P.O. & then I went to her - JamesJames Edward Hunt
& I drove to SnettishamSnettisham
& HeachamHeacham
taking a bottle of port to Clara. AliceAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
went to see the boy HinesElijah David Hines
who died shortly aftwdsafterwards

A most beautiful mgmorning. AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
went to Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
. I to SkerryEliza Skerry
& to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. In aftnafternoon AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
and I drove to HeachamHeacham
where AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
visited Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
while I drove to HunstantonHunstanton
and back, picking her up on my return. VicarJames Ambrose Ogle
dined here.

February, 1885[8th, Sun rises 7h. 29m.

We three to church in mgmorning. I alone in egevening Very stormy walking home. VicarJames Ambrose Ogle
dined here with us. I returned with him.

Felt very ill. Ses[sions] at HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
. EwenEdward Ewen
's case
. CalthropHenry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop
drove me home. Oh - so ill. Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
dined here. Such a bitter wind all day.

Fine bright mgmorning AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
left & motherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
Alice Hunt (née Mortimore)
took some chrysanthemum cuttings to DavysIngoldisthorpe Hall (Mount Amelia), Ingoldisthorpe
. Mrs HudsonMary Anne Hudson
died so went to church to see FosterRobert Forster
about funeral & grave. Wrote to vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
& a note to BridgewaterRev. Henry Hugh Bridgwater
- JamesJames Edward Hunt
& I walked to SnettishamSnettisham
after lunch & left note at BridgewaterRev. Henry Hugh Bridgwater
's ordered ring[?] & children [?] at LawsonGeorge Lawson
's. Mrs Blathwayt came to take notes from Bloomfield. Mr & Mrs Stephen Brown called.

A real beautiful mgmorning JamesJames Edward Hunt
& I drove to SnettishamSnettisham
then to HeachamHeacham
sun shone brightly & warmly. At home all the aftnafternoon. Vic - Rolfe's old coachman looked in & I had a talk with him. Went for a short useless walk with gun. Seeds came from Sutton

Sets 4h. 59m.]February, 1885[Day 9h 30m. Long

I wrote to [?] & Eliza - ParryDr. George Parry
came to see JamesJames Edward Hunt
- I walked part of the way to HeachamHeacham
. ParryDr. George Parry
overtook & drove me Lunched with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. [?] [?] [?] [?] Mrs SDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& he walked a good way back with me. Bagatelle. Fine day.

Nasty cold day. Nourse came to nursery fireplaces. JohnJohn Foster Hunt
& I walked to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
, MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& JamesJames Edward Hunt
met us - Paid Sutton & wrote to Frank BucklandFrancis Matthew Buckland
. Read of General Carter death in Egypt. Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
with vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
's shoes hoping to catch BridgewaterRev. Henry Hugh Bridgwater
after the funeral but he eluded me.

Dull mgmorning. Read MacaulayThomas Babington Macaulay
(Barrère &c) After lunch [?] [?] when sewing class was over to HeachamHeacham
but did not because of rain.

15th, New Moon.]February, 1885[15th, Sun rises 7h. 16m.

Wet. I alone went to church. When it cleared up in the aftnafternoon MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I strolled about the garden - alone to church in the egevening. Very dark coming home. I felt extraordinary nervous when reading

Wet cold mgmorning Sent NewsteadRobert Newstead
to HeachamHeacham
for play[?] frame - accounts. At home all day reading, writing &c.

Letters from the boys & one from FrankFrancis Matthew Buckland
about "a box on the ears" which I answered. ParryDr. George Parry
came - he ordered me a tonic[?] In afternoon I walked to SnettishamSnettisham
for Postal Orders.

BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day. OliverLionel Oliver
drove me he & ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
had lunch here. I drove ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
back to HeachamHeacham
. Then took the [?] round by SnettishamSnettisham
. JamesJames Edward Hunt
went to see Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
in the aftnafternoon & ate no dinner. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
took JamesJames Edward Hunt
for a drive in the mgmorning to HeachamHeacham
as it was nice & bright in the sun though snow all around.

Sets 5h. 12m.]February, 1885[Day 9h 56m. long

First[?] mgmorning special edition 'globe[?]'. Fine & bright. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
drove JamesJames Edward Hunt
to IngoldisthorpeIngoldisthorpe
to see Miss BeckettMary Christiana Beckett
about some wool. I walked about found 2[?] guns ferreting. NewsteadRobert Newstead
went to LynnLynn
about a new coat. In aftnafternoon I walked to HeachamHeacham
meeting Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
- who called here. Paid for some whisky at ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
, he & Mrs SDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
walked part of the way back with me.

[?] again from SnettishamSnettisham
. Letter from GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
. I wrote to Post Office LynnLynn
- ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
called in aftnafternoon & I walked a long way back with them

Bright but cold mgmorning. JamesJames Edward Hunt
& I drove in dog-cart to HunstantonHunstanton
. In the afternoon a bitter wind & JamesJames Edward Hunt
felt ill. I called to ask after Mrs PlattenMartha Anne Platten
. then to BinksEdward H Binks
bought a china bowl - then to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- a not entirely unsuccessful day.

22nd, Moon's first qr.]February, 1885[22nd, Sun rises 7h 3m.

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
and I to church in the mgmorning Oh so cold - wind changed and dropped in aftnafternoon. I alone to church in egevening.

Sessions at DockingHare Inn, Docking
. OliverLionel Oliver
came for me & drove me there & back. In aftnafternoon MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I drove to WolfertonWolferton
& back - not a bad drive - rather nice - NewsteadRobert Newstead
let the mare back the horse-cart against one of the posts of the porch and it was displaced

A really beautiful day - I walked about with the vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
all the mgmorning & lunched at the vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
took James for a drive with Bison in the aftnafternoon & then we decided to paint & paper the nurseries. Letter from RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
in mgmorning

Wet. Inspected papers for nurseries. After lunch MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I drove in dog-cart. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
visiting Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
. I then picking up ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
driving on to HunstantonHunstanton
- bought a ham - then picked up MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)

Sets 5h. 25m.]February, 1885[Day 10h. 22m. long

BirchamMerrick B Bircham
's mare came round for show. JamesJohn Foster Hunt
& I drove to IngoldisthorpeIngoldisthorpe
, SnettishamSnettisham
& HeachamHeacham
bringing ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
home to lunch. I walked back with him

Rainy mgmorning & rainy day more or less & I went to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
in mgmorning & met Eliza[?] at station at 4 o'ck - it was then fine & kept so. Church in egevening walked home through Park - very pleasant

Fine mgmorning. JamesJames Edward Hunt
& Arthur went for a drive with Bison. In aftnafternoon Arthur & I drove to HeachamHeacham
, HunstantonHunstanton
, RingsteadRingstead
in dog-cart - Sewing class

1st, Full Moon.]March, 1885[1st, Sun rises 6h. 48m.

We all (6) went to church but did not stay. Eliza & I went in egevening. Lucifer[?] acrostic

Eliza[?] & I went for a drive round BagthorpeBagthorpe
. JamesJames Edward Hunt
& Arthur with Bison[?] - Plenty[?] of [?] [?] off. Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
called in aftnafternoon. I walked to HeachamHeacham
to ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
's & Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
(Rev. E[?] Browne May be Charles Elrington Browne, Vicar of HolmeHolme-next-the-sea
& curate of St. Mary's, Hunstanton
& wife there) they walked part of the way back with me.

Fine mgmorning. Eliza, I & JohnJohn Foster Hunt
walked to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
out for a little cottage visiting. NewsteadRobert Newstead
with mare to HeachamHeacham
station & note to OliverLionel Oliver
. Very wet afternoon. Stayed at home but Eliza & JamesJames Edward Hunt
directly after lunch went to Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)

Eliza went off from Snettisham stationSnettisham Railway Station, Snettisham
. OliverLionel Oliver
drove me to the BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
. Home late to lunch ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& OliverLionel Oliver
lunched here. Walked back with TGeorge Thomas Thompson
. to HeachamHeacham
Dinner 7:30

Sets 5h. 37m.March, 1885Day 10h. 49m. long

Fine mgmorning. NewsteadRobert Newstead
planting out some primroses (?) [?] - Paid BinksThomas Binks
coal bill & saw his well that it wanted mending. After lunch drove to HeachamHeacham
picked up ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
called on [?] - showery, same at map[?] - walked part of the way home with TGeorge Thomas Thompson
. Frances OgleFrances Ogle
came to tea she being alone at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford

Very wet day with snow & sleet at times. I walked to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
for paper.

Drove to ChoseleyChoseley
with JamesJames Edward Hunt
. After lunch walked over to HeachamHeacham
to find BassJacob Bass
to come & work here & saw Mrs BassCatharine Bass

8th, Moon's last qr.]March, 1885[8th, Sun rises 6h 34m.

OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
away, PalmerFrederick William Henry Palmer
in mgmorning. BridgewaterRev. Henry Hugh Bridgwater
in afternoon. Then in rain I walked over to HeachamHeacham
, home about 9

HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
sessions. Drove with Arthur & Bison[?] - very cold wind. Train back to HeachamHeacham
with OliverLionel Oliver
, lunch with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. Splitting headache - walked back with Mrs SDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
to take back umbrella to Mrs GrangeEvelina Grange

BirchamMerrick B Bircham
sent mare round from ChoseleyChoseley
. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I went to see Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
. Translated latin memorial of John Rolfe. There is a inscription in St. Mary the Virgin, Heacham written in Latin

Went to town. Afternoon train.

Sets 5h. 50m.]March, 1885[Day 11h. 16m. long




16th, New Moon.]March, 1885[15th, Sun rises 6h. 16m.





Sets 6h. 2m.]March, 1885[Day 11h. 46m. long




23rd, Moon's first qr.]March, 1885[22nd, Sun rises 6h. 1m.





Sets 6h. 14m.]March, 1885[Day 12h. 13m. long




30th, Full Moon.]March & April, 1885[29th, Sun rises 5h, 45m.





Sets 6h. 26m.]April, 1885[Day 12h. 41m. long

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
, I & 3 boys returned. I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
& saw vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
found Charlie OgleCharles Pellew Ogle
there. He returned with me.

I and the boys to church in the morning. After lunch Charlie OgleCharles Pellew Ogle
walked to HeachamHeacham
for newspapers. Saw ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& Ernest RolfeErnest Neville Rolfe
. Photographs came.

I went to see Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
- ParryDr. George Parry
there - took newspapers to GoodliffeWilliam Goodliffe
- After lunch tennis at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- very cold wind but fine.

7th. Moon's last qr.]April, 1885[6th, Sun rises 5h. 29m

All to church. Pigeon in conservatory. I broke its leg I'm sorry to say. Charlie OgleCharles Pellew Ogle
came in aftnafternoon. GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
went to church in egevening with me - very cold.

Wet cold showery day. I paid school bills, Bath Beer &c &c. After lunch I walked with red books to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. No one at home. Measured outside lines of tennis ground. Charlie OgleCharles Pellew Ogle
came to tea, I walked back. Thoroughly inspected old deeds of Edis[?] family of LynnLynn
from Isleworth. Whist

Wet again very cold & dismal. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
sat with me in study arranged Bills &c. In aftnafternoon we sat with Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
went to see Mrs AllcockSusan Alcock

Cold & showery. I went with MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
to see Mrs AllcockSusan Alcock
& read to her. Saw also Jemima. Went to BinksEdward H Binks
. After lunch sat with PlattenGeorge Platten
. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
going to Wells to meet DonaldDonald Rolfe Hunt
. Wet aftnafternoon

Sets 6h. 38m.]April, 1885[Day 13h. 9m. long.

Very wet mgmorning, boys did some wood carving in study. I Walked to HeachamHeacham
lunched at ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
's then to convalescence homeHunstanton Convalescent Home, Hunstanton
- back to HeachamHeacham
. Mrs SDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
walked part of the way home with me. OglesJames Ambrose Ogle
Henrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
to dinner

Read to Mrs AllcockSusan Alcock
. Met & talked with ParryDr. George Parry
. Finer[?] mgmorning - Inspected BinksEdward H Binks
' oak. I lunched at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. They came to tea here.

Read to Mrs AllcockSusan Alcock
. MitchellRev. John Francis Mitchell
drove over in the afternoon & stayed to dinner.

15th. New Moon.]April, 1885[12th, Sun rises 5h 13m.

All to church in mgmorning. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I walked home by road in order to see Mrs AllcockSusan Alcock
. I & 3 boys to church in egevening

GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& I drove to HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
for sess. We lunched at ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& drove home.

Fine mgmorning - Sawing & planing at CrispWilliam Crisp
s the new seats[?] - Marked out tennis - lost iron[?] [?] for middle of net - MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I drove to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
to meet parlour maid. Mrs PlattenMartha Anne Platten
drove with us

Walked with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
to the BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
- saw a lunatic. Home to lunch in dog-cart with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. Charlie StewartCharles Stewart
here - I walked with them along river towards HeachamHeacham
- our dog caught a rabbit. Tennis with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
in egevening. Whist

Sets 6h. 48m]April, 1885[Day 13h 35m. long

Nasty cold day without sunshine. Visited Mrs AllcockSusan Alcock
- swore in a guardsman - Barwell's man called - ReggieReginald Seager Hunt
's clothes all over paint - Some tennis with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
in the afternoon. Very cold indeed

Such a lovely mgmorning. GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
returning met the vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
. After lunch MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
with 2 daughters drove to StanhoeStanhoe Hall, Stanhoe
& Mrs HareAnna Hare (née Graver-Browne)
. Tennis with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
- we put up tent seat covering.

Again fine round with gun. Another soldier to swear in. After lunch boys went to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- I painted some rails at CrispWilliam Crisp
s. Tennis with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
before dinner

21st, Moon's first qr.]April, 1885[19th, Sun rises 4h 58m.

Summer's day - very hot & fine. I & all boys to church in the mgmorning. I & GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
in egevening.

Fine day S.W. wind rather high. Carpentry all the mgmorning making a foot rest for seat. 2 more recruits. In aftnafternoon BeckettRev. William Thomas Beckett
Elizabeth Sarah Beckett (née Barrow)
s & OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
Henrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
s called - German Band[?] - Tennis with all three boys. Whist & bagatelle. GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
's last egevening at home

GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& ReggieReginald Seager Hunt
off to schoolLaleham School, Laleham
. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
went with them in wagonette. ChineryWalter Chinery
came with a warrant. I signed it all badly as [?] date &c - In aftnafternoon I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
then to Mrs AllcockSusan Alcock
with GertrudeGertrude Ogle
& Ambrose OgleAmbrose Addington Ogle
. Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& 2 HareAnna Hare (née Graver-Browne)
Hugh James Hare
s dined here

I went for a ride with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
. The mare was most horrible. After lunch ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& DonaldDonald Rolfe Hunt
spent the afternoon at the BeckettRev. William Thomas Beckett

Sets 7h. 0m.]April, 1885[Day 14h 2m. long

To vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
to see if any were going to IngoldisthorpeIngoldisthorpe
- after all I myself did not though it was a splendid aftnafternoon - a few drops of rain falling about lunch time - Some tennis with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
. I called on Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
with photograph & sat there some time. Met Mrs PlattenMartha Anne Platten
in park. Brought her in and gave her a photograph. Bessie[?] left MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
[?] [?] [?] [?] [?] [?]. GertieGertrude Maud Hunt
hurt her lip.

High wind no sun. PlattenGeorge Platten
came round wanting some wood. I walked with him - then with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
to shop & P.O. Bathed [?] After lunch drove with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
to WolfertonWolferton
, mare went well coming home. New servant came.

Very high (wind after heavy rain in night) with sunshine

29th, Full Moon]April, 1885[26th, Sun rises 4h. 45m.

All to church in mgmorning. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
drove. I & ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
in egevening

Sessions at HunstantonHunstanton
DockingHare Inn, Docking
. OliverLionel Oliver
came to lunch here. Kirby & Barnes came for summons

I & ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
drove to OliverLionel Oliver
s - & Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
. Charlie StewartCharles Stewart
drove back with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
- ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& I walked back. Stopped a man driving without reins[?] - Called on Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
in aftnafternoon after looking[?]. Dined at WolfertonWolferton
for rabbits &c & inspecting a pheasants nest

To EtonEton College, Windsor
with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
. Happy day on the whole. The lad very loving & true[?]

Sets 7h. 13m.]April & May, 1885[Day 14h 28m. long


Returned. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
met me at SnettishamSnettisham Railway Station, Snettisham
in wagonette

Fine mgmorning. Sat with Mrs AllcockSusan Alcock
& looked in on Jemima & called at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. Walked & talked with PlattenGeorge Thomas Thompson
in afternoon & saw FosterRalph Browne Forster
the schoolmaster. Thunder & rain in aftnafternoon

7th, Moon's last qr.]May, 1885[3rd, Sun rises 4h 31m.

I walked to church. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& JohnJohn Foster Hunt
drove - I alone in egevening

I walked to HeachamHeacham
& sat a short time with Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
- Saw Mrs BlackMary A F Black (née Rolfe)
. Home to lunch. Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
& GertrudeGertrude Maud Hunt
came on their way to Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
. Then Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
to tea - I walked part of the way back with them

Letters from EtonEton College, Windsor
- gave a photograph to Agnes JonesAgnes Jones
- mowed some of the lawn & fence mended round orchard - Bison out [?] MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
wrote many letters & walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
to tea. GertrudeGertrude Ogle
& FrancesFrances Ogle
walked back with her & met me talking to BarkerGeorge Nathan Barker
the policeman. NewsteadRobert Newstead
rode to HeachamHeacham
. I wrote a note for BlythAnthony Blyth

NewsteadRobert Newstead
drove to HolmeHolme-next-the-sea
for summons. It had rained hard during the night. Nourse came to sweep chimneys. Postal order from SkerryEliza Skerry
. Wet damp dreary N. Easterly day in doors mostly because of a sort of cold & throat - Wrote for more envelopes & paper. Did up bills & wrote to ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt

Sets 7h. 25m.]May, 1885[Day 14h 54m. long

Fine mgmorning. Letters from ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
, FredFrederick Seager Hunt
, AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
&c severe thunderstorm in the afternoon. I went to the vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
in the aftnafternoon & Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
drove me back here

At home all day. BaldwinSamuel Baldwin
the police constable came just before dinner for summonses against some gypsy[?] stealers & poachers which I hurriedly drew upCase heard at the Hunstanton sessions on 11/May. British Newspaper archive article

Bitterly cold. At home mostly. I went to see Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
wrote a note of sympathy which I took round calling at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
for Mrs AnthonyAnnie Marie Anthony

14th, New Moon]May, 1885[10th, Sun rises 4h. 19m.

JohnJohn Foster Hunt
& I walked to church. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
drove. I returned part of the way with Mrs PlattenMartha Anne Platten
. Again in egevening alone.

A very long sitting indeed at HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
not home until 8 o'ck

At home all the mgmorning. Except that MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I went to Mrs AllcockSusan Alcock
, Mrs JonesAgnes Jones
&c After lunch we walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. I played tennis there with FrancesFrances Ogle
& GertrudeGertrude Ogle
. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
drove home. Found Agnes JonesAgnes Jones
had washed curtains

ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& I walked to the BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
. He drove home in the dog-cart. PlattenGeorge Platten
drove me. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& I drove to HeachamHeacham
with Bison & I put her up at WheatsheafWheatsheaf Inn, Heacham
- Sat with Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
. Shot rooks. Dined with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
home about 10 o'ck

Sets 7h. 35m.]May, 1885[Day 15h 16m. long

BarkerGeorge Nathan Barker
P.C. came for a signature. BaldwinSamuel Baldwin
P.C. came for a warrant - which BlythAnthony Blyth
had sent me in the mgmorning. I took MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
's photo to Agnes JonesAgnes Jones
. Made a [?] sort of bottle rack in aftnafternoon. Very cold wind. Heard from Gertrude MortimoreGertrude Harriett Mortimore
that JamesJames Edward Hunt
was ill again.

Letter from AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
about JamesJames Edward Hunt
. I wrote to FredFrederick Seager Hunt
& ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
. After lunch walked about garden with MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& looked in vain for a rabbit

Walked over to HeachamHeacham
- after Wright had been with 2 summonses. He asked me to play at DockingDocking
on 29th. Met PlattenGeorge Platten
& Mr Walker CrispWilliam Crisp
& NewsteadRobert Newstead
at work at the seat round the tree all day. F & G OgleFrances Ogle
Gertrude Ogle
came about 6 o'ck I walked back with them & saw Mrs O.Henrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
Heard that Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
was not at all well

21st, Moon s first qr.]May, 1885[17th, Sun rises 4h 8m.

Bitterly cold day with northerly showers. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I to church in the mgmorning. Bad cold & cough all aftnafternoon. I alone to church in the egevening

BarkerGeorge Nathan Barker
came with a summons. Railway Bill carriage to pay on sugar - Very heavy showers. CrispWilliam Crisp
worked at seat all the aftnafternoon - NewsteadRobert Newstead
& I drove to HeachamHeacham
. I shot with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& Brown (of HunstantonHunstanton
) rooks at HeachamHeacham
- dined at ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson

Very bad news indeed of JamesJames Edward Hunt
. I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
came over. He & I went to Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
- Chapman & MitchellRev. John Francis Mitchell
came. After meeting with an accident on Shernborne hill both thrown out of dog-cart over horse's head by horse falling - miracle neither hurt. They all lunched here. I drove Chapman & MitchellRev. John Francis Mitchell
to SnettishamSnettisham
. Coe came about a summons. Then after dinner CrispWilliam Crisp
came to say Mrs RushAnn Rush
had hanged herself British newspaper archive article

Such a bad day - bad news of JamesJames Edward Hunt
. Telegram also bad. ParryDr. George Parry
called in order to have a talk about him. He told MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
she should [?] of going to him JamesJames Edward Hunt
- Very melancholy - Then FrancisFrances Ogle
& Gertrude OgleGertrude Ogle
came to tea, I walked back with them - Coe came. I wrote out a summonsArticle in the British Newspaper Archive which I gave to BarkerGeorge Nathan Barker
after dinner. Remanded a prisoner in mgmorning. Felt very nervous when writing - signed Burnham School summonsesReport of the sessions in the British Newspaper Archive.

Sets 7h. 46m.]May, 1885[Day 15h 38m. long

No better news - if anything telegram better but improvements too late - I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
, then to PlattenGeorge Platten
s. Inquest in Mrs RushAnn Rush
. Answered HareJohn Hugh Montague Hare
's kind letter from EtonEton College, Windsor
- bought stamps - F & G OgleFrances Ogle
Gertrude Ogle
came soon after lunch & spent the afternoon here, there being a series of thunderstorms

JamesJames Edward Hunt
about the same - very wet mgmorning. After lunch came a telegram to say JamesJames Edward Hunt
"very ill indeed". NewsteadRobert Newstead
& I drove to HeachamHeacham
& HunstantonHunstanton
. I sat a little while with Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
. Paid Guy, went to the library

All day spent in doubt as to whether I shd go to town. OliverLionel Oliver
& his son drove here in the mgmorning. Some thunder. I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
to send a telegram. Old Mrs Brown took it

28th, Full Moon.]May, 1885[24th, Sun rises 3h 59m.

I & MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
to church in mgmorning. I alone in egevening. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
met me coming home

Sessions at DockingHare Inn, Docking
- OliverLionel Oliver
drove me. Home to lunch - wet aftnafternoon - I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
& back before tea

To SkerryEliza Skerry
s for Postal Orders. Sent them to LynnLynn
in payment of Kendals bill - Marked out tennis ground - Took some violet roots[?] round to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
& enjoyed walk home lots of rabbits & aftwds went out and shot one

BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day. Was walking but OliverLionel Oliver
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
overtook me & drove me. NewsteadRobert Newstead
brought dog-cart to fetch me home. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
came with me. After lunch he was driven home by NewsteadRobert Newstead
with Bison - F & G OgleFrances Ogle
Gertrude Ogle
came & played tennis which I enjoyed. I walked through park back with them. Letter from ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
in mgmorning about "hiking[?]"

Sets 7h. 55m.]May, 1885[Day 15h 56m. long

Very hot. After a time I walked over to HeachamHeacham
lunched with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. went to Hall gardens - played a little cricket. NewsteadRobert Newstead
came with dog-cart & I drive home

ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
came over. He & I drove to DockingDocking
for a match v Lynn Rovers. very windy home early after driving ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
home to HeachamHeacham
- tired

Letter from ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
no debt. At home all day

June 6th, Moon's last qr.]May & June, 1885[31st, Sun rises 3h 52m

My birthday. Lots of nice letters. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I to church. Wrote all the afternoon. Church alone in egevening. Note from ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
asking about a drive to Congham

Drove to Congham with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
- lunched at Chapmans. Mrs Stewart[?] there. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
dined here. ParryDr. George Parry
came to see motherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)

Most beautiful day. Walked about with vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
in the mgmorning. After paying Binks. VicarJames Ambrose Ogle
lunched here & After lunch nurse drove children with Bison. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I called on Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
- Caroline came for a visit. I dined at BeckettsThe Rectory, Ingoldisthorpe

Again fine with a breeze. Put up hammock. Howlett came & cut my hair - Person from Union wanted a summons but I thought I wd write to BlythAnthony Blyth
. OliverLionel Oliver
drove round but wd not stay to lunch. Children & nurses with Bison drove to & spent the day at HunstantonHunstanton
. I shot 2 rabbits. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
very ill all day. Declined to see Scott DurbinsJohn Henry Scott-Durbin
when they called, she felt too ill. I wrote to ParryDr. George Parry
- Drove to Union

Sets 8h. 3m.]June, 1885[Day 16h. 11m. long

I walked over to HeachamHeacham
by meadows. Very hot indeed. Had lunch with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. He returned with me. & dined here. I walked part of the way back with him - MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
drove to HeachamHeacham
with Bison to bring me home but missed me. Telegram about JamesJames Edward Hunt
, bad news. ParryDr. George Parry
came. Very hot day indeed

Again hot. AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
's letter about JamesJames Edward Hunt
very sad. I walked to Mrs Binks &c with JohnJohn Foster Hunt
. Lunched at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
with school Inspectors. F & G OgleFrances Ogle
Gertrude Ogle
spent the afternoon here with tennis. Very hot games

Cooler. In fact cold in comparison. Met PlattenGeorge Platten
who wanted some drain pipes. I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
stopping to see where PlattenGeorge Platten
's men were working at river. After lunch after the sewing class. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I drove to HeachamHeacham
saw ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& Miss Addington

12th, New Moon.]June, 1885[7th, Sun rises 3h 47m.

So close. To church alone but did not stay. [?] day here. Strolled about with PlattenGeorge Platten
pleasant afternoon. Church alone in egevening

Thorough wet day. Sessions at HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
. Geoffrey HollwayGeoffrey Fynes Clinton Hollway
there. Lunched at Golden LionGolden Lion, Hunstanton
. Asked Hollways to lunch & tennis tomorrow but owing to sweeps, on my return home had to write and put them off.

Fine mgmorning - after bad night in every way. Letters from AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
, Eliza & LalehamLaleham School, Laleham
- Mrs Chapman came for advice about her hedge. Nourse came to sweep chimney & mend gutter over conservatory. Breakfast & lunch in mgmorning room. Mowed a good deal. Marked out tennis ground. Shot two rabbits & very tired

[?] [?] day - Walked to BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
meeting. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
away early sent ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
on to HeachamHeacham
. Hollway & his sister came for lunch - tennis all the afternoon. F & G OgleFrances Ogle
Gertrude Ogle
& Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)

Sets 8h. 10m]June, 1885[Day 16h 23m. long

Fine & warm. All the children to HunstantonHunstanton
. I to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
sat there some time bringing[?] away my watch. Bad news of JamesJames Edward Hunt
in aftnafternoon Miss Bridgewater called bringing a telegram. I walked to SkerryEliza Skerry
for stamps &c Sent some flowers to London

Bison lame - Hollway & I drove to DockingDocking
for a very hot days cricket - put up at Melliams[?] very tired & stiff

Telegram early in the mgmorning to say poor JamesJames Edward Hunt
is dead. Row with Whitly[?] & PlattenGeorge Platten
about coming across pasture. Packing - very hot - To town in the afternoon

19th, Moon's first qr.]June, 1885[14th, Sun rises 3h 44m.





Sets 8h. 16m.]June, 1885[Day 16h 32m. long

Funeral of dear JamesJames Edward Hunt
This is James Edward Hunt, (possibly illegitimate) son of James Jennings Hunt, aged 22. Burial took place at Brompton Cemetery. Cemetery entry number 127562. FredFrederick Seager Hunt
, AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
& I went in one carriage

AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
& I travelled down here. AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
brought her maid. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
met us at the stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
. Shot two rabbits

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
, AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
& I went to Crisps Cottage saw Mrs CrispAnne Crisp (née Jarrett)
& babyDora May Crisp
. Then AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
& I walked to Fring & back calling on Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
. In afternoon, AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
& I walked to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
to meet FredFrederick Seager Hunt
. He & I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford

27th, Full Moon.]June, 1885[21st, Sun rises 3h 44m.

FredFrederick Seager Hunt
, JohnJohn Foster Hunt
& I walked to church both AlicesAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
Alice Hunt (née Mortimore)
drove - sat at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
after church. FredFrederick Seager Hunt
& I alone to church in egevening Pleasant egevening

All went with JohnJohn Foster Hunt
to Snettisham stationSnettisham Railway Station, Snettisham
. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I drove home alone after a long talk with Mr Lambert at SnettishamSnettisham
. After lunch I walked over to HeachamHeacham
. played tennis there with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& Mr HareHugh James Hare
. They walked part of the way back with me. Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
called on motherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& had a long talk

Dull sultry day after the high cold winds of late. I walked drove to StanhoeStanhoe Hall, Stanhoe
, Hollway & CalthropHenry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop
both out. In the afternoon motherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
had a sewing class. I shot a rabbit which managed just to tumble down its hole. Neither Jack or Bingo wd fetch it. However NewsteadRobert Newstead
got it out with a rake.

Wed. boardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day. OliverLionel Oliver
drove me & ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
came to lunch. Very hot beautiful day. CalthropHenry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop
& Hollway, ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& Mr HareHugh James Hare
, F & G OgleFrances Ogle
Gertrude Ogle
came too for tennis. Mrs BlackMary A F Black (née Rolfe)
, Mrs HareAnna Hare (née Graver-Browne)
& then Mrs DavyKatharine Davy
came. A very fine nice afternoon & I think every body enjoyed it. In the egevening OliverLionel Oliver
came & drove me to Bircham for a conservative meeting. Cold in egevening. Wind changing.

Sets 8h. 19m]June, 1885[Day 16h 35m. long

Such a cold wet day with N.E. wind. Started for HeachamHeacham
but only reached vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
where I stayed some time borrowed an umbrella & returned to change my clothes. At home all the afternoon, cold & dull. Wrote to AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
at Edinburgh. Played with JohnJohn Foster Hunt
at dominoes & squails. A dismal day

Very cold again but no rain. Long rambling letter from ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
. I walked to HeachamHeacham
calling at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
sitting there a little time. Lunched with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. He walked part of the way back with me. FrancisFrances Ogle
& GertrudeGertrude Ogle
took JohnJohn Foster Hunt
with them for a drive to HunstantonHunstanton
. Children & nurses drove in wagonette to IngoldisthorpeIngoldisthorpe
. Fine in egevening - very cold

Fine mgmorning. Children & nurses went to HunstantonHunstanton
. I walked to SkerryEliza Skerry
s to hear about delivery of letters. Tilled[?] some beds. In aftnafternoon tennis at StanhoeStanhoe Hall, Stanhoe
. [?]S Hollway sprained his ankle. Home late.

June & July, 1885[28th, Sun rises 3h 47m.

Cold & damp. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
, JohnJohn Foster Hunt
& GeraldGerald Owen Hunt
& I to church. I alone in egevening. Wrote to ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
about work. I alone to church in egevening.

Sessions at HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
DockingHare Inn, Docking
. Late sitting OliverLionel Oliver
drove me there & back. Cold & dreary. Le StrangeHamon Le Strange
, CalthropHenry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop
, OliverLionel Oliver
& I sat. After I came home looked for a rabbit

Fine mgmorning hot sun, cold wind. I walked to HeachamHeacham
to OliverLionel Oliver
s. Had lunch there - but I called in at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
on my way back. FrancesFrances Ogle
& GertrudeGertrude Ogle
to tennis. NewsteadRobert Newstead
came with dog-cart to fetch me. Plenty of tennis in aftnafternoon. Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
came to tea. Wind cold, consequently stiff & tired in egevening

Very fine mgmorning. JohnJohn Foster Hunt
& GeraldGerald Owen Hunt
rode Bison NewsteadRobert Newstead
leading her. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I walked to CrispWilliam Crisp
s about new "supports" for a hammock then we unpacked James's hammock and found it to our astonishment a very nice one. We, with NewsteadRobert Newstead
, hung it under the laburnum tree. After lunch - during which I was angry with GeraldGerald Owen Hunt
- I went to shop & found GoodliffeWilliam Goodliffe
. Met Gertrude OgleGertrude Ogle
brought her here to see hammock. Mrs FerrersEmily Ferrers (née Lamb)
called - Cold wind still

Sets 8h. 18m.]July, 1885[Day 16h 31m. long

Fine mgmorning. I walked to church & found GertrudeGertrude Ogle
playing organ. Said I wd come to tennis in the aftnafternoon. Mr PlattenGeorge Platten
came after lunch to say his friends wd have a shot at rabbits in egevening. He had cut his thumb with a bill hook. I lent him Grannie's[?] sling. Played a couple of sets at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford

At home & about all the mgmorning. Charlie OgleCharles Pellew Ogle
came but did not stay to lunch. I drove him to Davy'sIngoldisthorpe Hall (Mount Amelia), Ingoldisthorpe
. Tennis. Tired in egevening. Took telegram to SnettishamSnettisham
for Mrs Davy

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I walked to CrispWilliam Crisp
s to order a new stand for hammock & then about & around generally. I drove to WolfertonWolferton
to lunch. Cricket there aftwds missed[?] a catch thereby losing game. Home about 8-15 Yesterday & today drove mare rather fast. Warrant 85.5.5 (including an unexpected bonus £21)

5th, Moon's last qr.]July, 1885[5th, Sun rises 3h 52m.

Very hot. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I went to church. New communicants. CharlieCharles Pellew Ogle
came here in aftnafternoon. I to church in egevening walked home with Mrs PlattenMartha Anne Platten
& family who came into garden. Terrible day

A beautiful day, very hot. The Union Porter came with a policeman for a warrant against a man who had absconded with his clothes. I granted itArticle in the British Newspaper Archive. Then I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
Mr OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
was out. After lunch sent off cheques to Sadler, Robinson, Kendrick & others[?]. Mrs BlackMary A F Black (née Rolfe)
& a married daughter called. Then Mitchell Rev. John Francis Mitchell
& KellyCharles Napier Kelly
with their sisters came to tea - a jolly party. Unpacked champagne and had a bottle for dinner.

No sun high wind. To SkerryEliza Skerry
s for postal order for ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
which I sent with M.C.C. tickets. After lunch JohnJohn Foster Hunt
& I went to post office. He placed 10d in P.O.Bank signing his name well. I then to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
for tennis. Dr. BellamyDr. James Bellamy
& Mrs Tilden[?]Eleanor Coates Tylden (née Bellamy)
Mr & Mrs Burdett there. Crawfurds & Davy for tennis. Very windy. Threatening rain. Home late for dinner.

Dull S.W. sultry mgmorning had ordered dog-cart at 10 but OliverLionel Oliver
drove here. I went with him to the BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
. He brought me home. Dark heavy afternoon, threatening thunder. Remained at home. Heavy drops of rain at times

Sets 8h. 15m.]July, 1885Day 16h. 23m. long

Very fine warm day. No letters at all. JohnJohn Foster Hunt
& I in dog-cart drove to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- with some wine. To HeachamHeacham
where I saw Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
for a short time then to Heacham SnettishamSnettisham
. After lunch children & nurse, not babyNona Isabel Hunt
, drove with Bison to BeckettRev. William Thomas Beckett
s for the afternoon. I played tennis at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
, CalthropHenry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop
& Mrs C S Hollway & young Davys there with Crawfurds. Jolly afternoon fine & warm. Girl from HunstantonHunstanton
with bastardy warrant & P.O. boy from RingsteadRingstead
brought a declaration to be signed

Very hot indeed. Gave JohnJohn Foster Hunt
a box on the ears for not doing sums well, really in my heart very, very sorry for it. Dear lad doing his best. I am so sorry. Walked to HeachamHeacham
to Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
drove home. In afternoon vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
young people with Crawfurds came for tennis. Nice aftnafternoon - Dinner late. Sat & smoked a pipe in park. After saying good bye to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
people at AnthonyJohn Nicholas Anthony
's gate

Fine again in the mgmorning. Walked to GoodliffeWilliam Goodliffe
s to change a cheque. Parry came. At home all day. signed 2 summonses for Sedgeford School non-attendance. After lunch MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
had her sewing class but nurses & children went to HunstantonHunstanton
with NewsteadRobert Newstead
& Herbert NewsteadHerbert Newstead
in wagonette to a circus. MitchellRev. John Francis Mitchell
& KellyCharles Napier Kelly
there. Marnie[?] came about y-och

12th, New Moon.]July, 1885[12th, Sun rises 3h 59m.

I alone to church. Calm damp mgmorning. After heavy rain during night. VicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
party came round in afternoon. Church alone again in egevening - Walked home with Mrs PlattenMartha Anne Platten
. Charlie OgleCharles Pellew Ogle
here during church time

Sessions at HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
. A tremendous downpour of rain, with thunder, came on just about 10-15. I delayed starting & arrived late. Le StrangeHamon Le Strange
, OliverLionel Oliver
there. Adjourned at lunch time till 3 o'ck for Beeton's[?] agreement. Lunched with Le StrangeHamon Le Strange
at Golden LionGolden Lion, Hunstanton
& smoked with him aftwds. Home about 6

Fine mgmorning. Did receipts & accounts. VicarJames Ambrose Ogle
came with Crawfurd. Walked a little way with them. Our wedding day. After lunch drove with Crawfurd to StanhoeStanhoe Hall, Stanhoe
. Tennis there till egevening. Home to find MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
sad at being left alone. OliverLionel Oliver
s called

Fine morning - Found that river had ceased running. Walked with MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
round park. Taking a small box to CrispWilliam Crisp
s to be opened. After lunch Mr OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
drove here with some wine & then I started to meet Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
at SnettishamSnettisham
from there two Misses Gemmel[?], ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& myself drove to Congham. Very nice drive. Home about 7-20. Fine all day, not too warm

Sets 8h. 12m.]July, 1885[Day 16h 13m. long

Walked to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
many people there. Heavy shower. To WolfertonWolferton
meeting ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
at HeachamHeacham
. Cricket all day which somehow I did not enjoy not feeling well. Home by train. Met Mr & Mrs AnthonyJohn Nicholas Anthony
Annie Marie Anthony
in the park. Did not care to eat any dinner & felt generally ill

Not very well. Changed cheque at GoodliffeWilliam Goodliffe
s. Walked about with MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
. After lunch saw that thistles were cut down & wood work round trees repaired. Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
came & I walked home with her sitting some time with the vicar

School treat to HunstantonHunstanton
. Nurses & children drove to SnettishamSnettisham
in wagonette for mgmorning run on a photographic expedition[?] which was a failure all through babyNona Isabel Hunt
. I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
to see school children start. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I marked out lawn tennis. After lunch I went to Post Office for stamps. Then MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I walked in wood & I shot a rabbit. I took ill in drawing room. Nurse & children returned all well, but tired & uneventful[?]

19th, Moon's first qr.]July, 1885[19th, Sun rises 4h 6m.

I & JohnJohn Foster Hunt
walked to church. Very sultry. In afternoon Gertrude OgleGertrude Ogle
& Mrs Crawfurd & her brother came to tea. I to church alone. The most depressing egevening ever spent

Warm with misty showers. I drove to HunstantonHunstanton
. I signed 3 Post Office declarations for Southgate. Lunched at ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
s - putting up mare at WheatsheafWheatsheaf Inn, Heacham
. Gemmels & Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
drove here in afternoon with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
in MitchellRev. John Francis Mitchell
's car. Mrs & Miss Davy also called. Bought sponges at HunstantonHunstanton
. Met PlattenGeorge Platten
in park & gave him rabbit

I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
, first talking to Gertrude OgleGertrude Ogle
in church. Mr OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
rather weak. He came with me part of the way back. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
came to dinner

BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
drove here early. He & I in dog-cart to Union. He lunched here. After lunch we drove in his car to HeachamHeacham
. Played tennis with Gribble. We dined with Gribbles. Sim came to Homemead. NewsteadRobert Newstead
drove to HeachamHeacham
& brought me home

Sets 8h. 5m.]July, 1885[Day 15h 59m. long

PlattenGeorge Platten
drove me to DockingDocking
to ask Froom[?] to be chairman (Conservative) of this district. Wanted to take the chair at DockingDocking
next Tuesday. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
wrote to say he had gained French prize, great pleasure to us. Wrote FredFrederick Seager Hunt
[?] & to a Mr Saunders about votes being placed on register. Met OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
in village. Shot a wee rabbit

To Post Office for postal order. After changing a cheque at GoodliffeWilliam Goodliffe
s. At home all the aftnafternoon until 5-30 when I drove to HeachamHeacham
- Dined at ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
s - Attended at Cons: meeting & promised to take the chair at DockingDocking
- also told InglebyHolcombe Ingleby
I would came & play tennis tomorrow at HeachamHeacham
. DonaldDonald Rolfe Hunt
returned home because of mumps at school

The hottest day of all the year! More Postal Orders - At home all day, too hot to play tennis at HeachamHeacham
. Walked to PlattenGeorge Platten
in mgmorning to show him FredFrederick Seager Hunt
's note about Cora. Sewing class. Tried for rabbit in egevening

27th, Full Moon.]July, 1885[26th, Sun rises 4h 15m.

JohnJohn Foster Hunt
DonaldDonald Rolfe Hunt
& I to church - walk with CurlThomas Curl
very hot - but not as hot as yesterday. Church again in egevening with DonaldDonald Rolfe Hunt
. Mrs Binks asked for a vehicle - very angry with la fille de la salle a manger

DockingHare Inn, Docking
sessions. Hot mgmorning. Walked through Park to meet OliverLionel Oliver
. Saw PlattenGeorge Platten
while I was sitting under a tree waiting. NoelGerard Henry Uctred Noel
at sessions. Lunched off OliverLionel Oliver
's sandwiches. In the egevening PlattenGeorge Platten
drove me to Froom[?] at Docking HallDocking Hall, Docking
& I took the chair at Conservative meeting Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, conservative candidate at the forthcoming election spoke Article in the British Newspaper Archive. Nervous but on the whole enjoyed the egevening

Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. Men busy at cricket grounds. Children drove to Heacham HallHeacham Hall, Heacham
with note. Tennis at DavysIngoldisthorpe Hall (Mount Amelia), Ingoldisthorpe
. I drove the vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
there & back

Worked on cricket ground [?] in grass. After lunch tennis party at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& ReggieReginald Seager Hunt
came home. Restless night most unsettled. Shall never forget it

Sets 7h. 54m.]July & August, 1885[Day 15h 39m. long

Small tennis with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
. Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
with note to Mrs OHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
about G. F. S girls - After lunch drove with NewsteadRobert Newstead
& GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
to HeachamHeacham
. I played tennis with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
Gribbles[?] - ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
drove me back. He dined here. Drove part of the way back with him & walked home

Down late - dull mgmorning. 3 sets at tennis with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
. Just one set too many I think. Looked for a rabbit in Park & walked with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
who found hedgehog. At lunch before we had finished ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
came in from EtonEton College, Windsor
covered "with honours" we are very proud of him & felt how much we had to be thankful for. Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
came. I walked back to Post OfficeThe Post Office, Sedgeford
with her. Mrs TildenEleanor Coates Tylden (née Bellamy)
called with invitations for me next Wed & Thursday

Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
, home through village. Met & talked with Mrs Binks. VicarJames Ambrose Ogle
came here also ParryDr. George Parry
. In aftnafternoon Gribbles[?] called. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& I went to P.O.The Post Office, Sedgeford
& they put 10/- cash in bank. We had some tennis

1st Full Moon]August, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Very cold day. Miserable very all day - Four boys & self to church in mgmorning. Frances OgleFrances Ogle
& AmbroseAmbrose Addington Ogle
here in aftnafternoon also Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
. I with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
to church in egevening

Such a bad night. Bank holiday. ParryDr. George Parry
came. Tennis at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
in aftnafternoon. Tennis at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- Arch[?] James there

Up early to send NewsteadRobert Newstead
for ParryDr. George Parry
- who arrived about 5 a.m. BabyFrancis Whittaker Hunt
born 7-50 a.m. - Very dull & out of spirits all day but better when I went to bed - shall never forget Aug 4th 1885 all my lifeBirth of Francis Whittaker HuntFrancis Whittaker Hunt
. Tennis at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
Mr & Mrs Sim[?] there

BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day. Mrs Wagg came to see me. Walked towards BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
. PlattenGeorge Platten
picking me up. Drove myself home. Had a talk with Simms ReeveSimms Reeve
. Tennis at IngoldisthorpeIngoldisthorpe
. Dr. BellamyDr. James Bellamy

1st Full Moon]August, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& I did cheques. Then CalthropHenry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop
came taking ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
away for cricket - long letter from Mr BucklandFrancis Matthew Buckland
- which I answered. I dined at Dr. BellamyDr. James Bellamy
's at IngoldisthorpeIngoldisthorpe

ParryDr. George Parry
came. I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
with message to him from him to Margie[?] about vaccinating her baby. Mrs Sim[?] & Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
drove over in the mgmorning their pony bolting. NewsteadRobert Newstead
drove them back & Barnes brought him home. Thunderstorm in the aftnafternoon. EtonEton College, Windsor
bill came, sent it to FredFrederick Seager Hunt

Mrs FerrersEmily Ferrers (née Lamb)
& Miss Lamb called. Then Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& Miss Pelly. After lunch ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I drove to BagthorpeBagthorpe
where we found a cricket match going on. Small tennis with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& ReggieReginald Seager Hunt
- ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
being very successful with rabbits

1st Full Moon]August, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

I & 5 boys to church. GeraldGerald Owen Hunt
going with nurse. Cold damp mgmorning. Cleared up in egevening. I & 3 boys to church. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
complained of a pain in her side.

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
still complained. Sessions at HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
. I went by train. Train very full & late. Home by train. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
not so well. In the egevening breathing with the greatest difficulty. Terrible to hear. Sent for ParryDr. George Parry
to come but Newste

Very bad night for MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
. Sent for ParryDr. George Parry
but NewsteadRobert Newstead
instead of taking dog-cart to bring him rode & gave message only - However he came early & MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
was then very ill. Anxiety & sorrow very great. I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- met vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
in lane - [?] went to SnettishamSnettisham
with telegrams. Sent ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
to HeachamHeacham
to say I wd not dine there. InglebyHolcombe Ingleby
ParryDr. George Parry
came again in egevening [?] MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
[?] Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& Mrs BlackMary A F Black (née Rolfe)
called - Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
to give ParryDr. George Parry
's report

A better night but still very very anxious - MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
has inflammations of the lungs & pleurisy. Sent ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
to SnettishamSnettisham
on Bison with telegrams. Many letters to write. ParryDr. George Parry
came mgmorning & egevening

1st Full Moon]August, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
better. ParryDr. George Parry
took telegrams to Docking. VicarJames Ambrose Ogle
came round & I walked back with him - very cold wind - ParryDr. George Parry
came again in egevening - gave him a basket of flowers

Fine day at last. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
better but not "out of the wood". GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
, ReggieReginald Seager Hunt
& DonaldDonald Rolfe Hunt
went to HunstantonHunstanton
, bathed & walked home through Downs. Letter from FredFrederick Seager Hunt
with cheque - Many letters to write - Mauds missed post. Telegram from Tom SimmonsTom Simmons
- I sent telegram from SnettishamSnettisham
to FredFrederick Seager Hunt
. Mrs Sim & Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
called on their way to HoughtonHoughton Hall, Houghton
& I met them again on their return. Mr HareHugh James Hare
called & I sent by him a message to ParryDr. George Parry
- who came again in egevening

Fine mgmorning. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
had a poor night. Wrote to Harriette & Miss Davy. Dr ParryDr. George Parry
came, all better. OliverLionel Oliver
& Miss O called. I walked to HeachamHeacham
to lunch with Sim but lunched with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& went round to Sim aftwds. Tennis at Gribbles. Drove home in dog-cart

1st Full Moon]August, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Boys went to church. I did not. Beautiful day - MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
in pain. I went to church in egevening - VicarJames Ambrose Ogle
had cold - no sermon. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
still in pain. Thought about further advice - Kind telegram from FredFrederick Seager Hunt

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
seemed better all day but very bad during night. We felt worried about the pain & ParryDr. George Parry
& I discussed "further advice". In afternoon I drove boys in dog-cart to OliverLionel Oliver
's. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
looking at us- I drove from OliverLionel Oliver
's to SnettishamSnettisham
to send a telegram to FredFrederick Seager Hunt
. Then back to HeachamHeacham
. Dull afternoon. Met Le StrangeHamon Le Strange
driving home. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
very bad at night. Mr & Mrs Sim called in mgmorning & were very kind

Alarmed about MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
. ParryDr. George Parry
decided to send for EadeSir Peter Eade
. Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- Mrs Sim called . Mrs FerrersEmily Ferrers (née Lamb)
& Miss Davy. Anxious day. CrispWilliam Crisp
went to LynnLynn
& bought some fish which we enjoyed. Fire in my room

Waiting for the doctors - they came but not EadeSir Peter Eade
one Dr BatemanFrederic Bateman
instead. They saw "recovery may be confidently anticipated" any how we all felt comforted by the visit. Dr InglebyHolcombe Ingleby
called in aftnafternoon - also vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
. CalthropHenry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop
sent over. GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
drove to HeachamHeacham
with OliverLionel Oliver
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
called in great anxiety. Fire in my room

1st Full Moon]August, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Waited for doctor then to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. After lunch GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& I drove to SnettishamSnettisham
& sent telegram to FredFrederick Seager Hunt
- wrote letters. To stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
for medecine. Sent NewsteadRobert Newstead
for fish 6.45 MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
very bad and weak

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
had a good night but still low spirited. GeraldGerald Owen Hunt
's birthday which he enjoyed. ParryDr. George Parry
came rather late about lunch time. Kind, very kind letter from FredFrederick Seager Hunt
in. After lunch ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I drove to SnettishamSnettisham
- Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& Mrs Sim called - Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
brought a [?] from Margie

Early breakfast for boys to go to LynnLynn
. I drove them to SnettishamSnettisham
. I met them their again after sending telegram to FredFrederick Seager Hunt
. ParryDr. George Parry
came after lunch. Sat with MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
. Shot a rabbit. Small tennis. GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
's music a fiasco

1st Full Moon]August, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Boys to church. I at home for ParryDr. George Parry
. All well. Cold morning. Warmer aftnafternoon. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
, I & GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
to church in egevening

Cheques. Drove to meet the doctors. All well. Gave them lunch drove them back to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
. After lunch drove to SnettishamSnettisham
& sent off telegram. Meeting Mrs Banes. Ordered harness. Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
but did not go in. Tennis with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& ReggieReginald Seager Hunt
, ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
shot with PlattenGeorge Platten
. Very fine day

A beautiful summer day. I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
, returned with the vicar, Margie & GertrudeGertrude Ogle
. Margie saw MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
. After lunch drove to SnettishamSnettisham
& IngoldisthorpeIngoldisthorpe
picking up JackJohn Gilbert Ogle
& Ambrose OgleAmbrose Addington Ogle
. Sent off telegram from SnettishamSnettisham
. Tennis at Davy'sIngoldisthorpe Hall (Mount Amelia), Ingoldisthorpe
- Nice afternoon many there including Mrs Sim, Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
, MitchellRev. John Francis Mitchell
& Miss Mitchell, Mrs TyldenEleanor Coates Tylden (née Bellamy)
Mrs HareAnna Hare (née Graver-Browne)
Miss Fenwick &c &c Bagatelle in egevening

Fine but cold N.E. wind. Jack came in mgmorning for Times of Monday. Mowed the lawn tennis ground. NewsteadRobert Newstead
drove to SnettishamSnettisham
for oats &c. GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
, ReggieReginald Seager Hunt
& DonaldDonald Rolfe Hunt
went to HunstantonHunstanton
. I thought of going but it was too cold. Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
, sat with JackJohn Gilbert Ogle
. Small tennis with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
. Walked with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
for rabbit. None. Letters from FredFrederick Seager Hunt
& AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
from abroad. £50

1st Full Moon]August, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

A miserable cold wet day - Wrote many letters. Paid Miss Carlyle's & Moore's bills. ParryDr. George Parry
came & the vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
. Walked back with the vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
then home to lunch. After lunch as fish had not arrived I with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
drove in dog-cart to HeachamHeacham
. Wright very civil, brought away fish & explanation of delay then called on Mrs Sim found her packing up & going away tomorrow. Then to ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
& home all in pouring rain. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
in new macintosh. Afterwards

Finer mgmorning but cold. N.E. wind. Wrote to Percy. Paid Mrs Binks for chest of drawers £2.7.6 bought some candlesticks for which I did not pay - Drove to WolfertonWolferton
lunch spent the afternoon there, Home to dinner, very cold. Low spirited [?]

ParryDr. George Parry
came. All well. After lunch walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
found GertrudeGertrude Ogle
& AmbroseAmbrose Addington Ogle
there. Played tennis with them, then home, very cold. Howell to all appearances drunk - miserable dinner

1st Full Moon]August & September, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Church in mgmorning with 4 boys. In afternoon walked to HeachamHeacham
. Went to church there. Dined at ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
's who walked part of the way home with me. Nice egevening

Sessions at DockingHare Inn, Docking
. OliverLionel Oliver
drove me. Income Tax Commission so did not get away until after 5 then walked home - never knew a week begin so badly

Very fine All the children but babyFrancis Whittaker Hunt
off to HunstantonHunstanton
- ParryDr. George Parry
came he took a note for me to Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
about a musical box. I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
with some pears - After lunch after a pipe I sat in MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
's bed room & wrote letters to Mrs Sim, Miss Rolfe, Hubble &c. Then drove to HunstantonHunstanton
to fetch a boy or two, found none, brought home some stout, met Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
drove her back to HeachamHeacham
. Boys tired but pleasant egevening

Cold windy miserable mgmorning. I walked to BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
. Just in time to make a [?]. I took the chair. Walked home to lunch. Then wet afternoon, very dull. In evening in rain drove to WolfertonWolferton
to dinner - did not dine till 9:20. Home luckily without rain - then it fell in torrents Home about 1 a.m

1st Full Moon]September, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Warm S.W. mgmorning. Sun when out thundery hot. At home all day. Tennis with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
in aftnafternoon. New brougham came. I dined at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
home early pleasant egevening. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
down stairs

Wrote to FredFrederick Seager Hunt
& Hubble about brougham - Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. In aftnafternoon drove with Larry to HeachamHeacham
for tennis at the HallHeacham Hall, Heacham
- wet with thunderstorms - which spoilt the afternoon - Home amid rain & lightning - very late to bed

Heavy shower in mgmorning - to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
& station. 5 brace of birds from FosterRobert Forster
- ParryDr. George Parry
came, lent him macintosh. After lunch GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& I drove in dog-cart to HunstantonHunstanton
calling at Sandringham Hotel to leave [?] Burnetts - libray book found & returned. MrsHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
& Gertrude OgleGertrude Ogle
came to see MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
. Also Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& Miss Rolfe. OliverLionel Oliver
s called & BulwerHenry Earle Bulwer
s. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
sent NewsteadRobert Newstead
over to HeachamHeacham
offering Maimie's[?] services. Memorable week. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
down this week

1st Full Moon]September, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Church in mgmorning 5 boys. GeraldGerald Owen Hunt
with nurse - what sort of a church was it? After lunch ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
walked to HeachamHeacham
with note. I with them through park. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
had meals in dining room today. Did not go to church in egevening

Very heavy rain indeed in mgmorning. Showery at times but warm. Low spirited all day. wrote to G.E.A Inspector about charges - Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
visited MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& MrJames Ambrose Ogle
& Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
. Tennis with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
. Caught 3 mice in egevening. Very dull day.

Old Mason came about an assault - GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& I drove to & spent the mgmorning at HunstantonHunstanton
- Tennis in aftnafternoon Went round see CurlThomas Curl
just before dinner about Mason

High wind - Told Mason I wd not give him a summons - ParryDr. George Parry
came. I stayed at home all the mgmorning. After lunch new clothes for boys came - I walked to HeachamHeacham
to OliverLionel Oliver
who took me to SnettishamSnettisham
, thence to HunstantonHunstanton
. At SnettishamSnettisham
we dined with the odd fellows. At HunstantonHunstanton
a Conservative meeting at which GranthamWilliam Grantham
spoke. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
went & we came home in brougham

1st Full Moon]September, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Walked to GoodliffeWilliam Goodliffe
's to change a cheque - met the vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
& walked with him some time. After lunch drove to HunstantonHunstanton
with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& ReggieReginald Seager Hunt
- Rain at night. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
woke me up about 4 a.m complaining of a bad throat. An old woman named Stewart came in mgmorning about the Mason row.

A most frightful headache. NewsteadRobert Newstead
went for ParryDr. George Parry
who came to see MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
's throat. All right. At home all day - vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
called with GertrudeGertrude Ogle
. Sherry cask moved into wine cellar. Paid Miss Ringer

Wet mgmorning. An equinoctial day. Boys quarrelsome. Walked to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
about parcels bill. Papers. At home all day. Most unsatisfactory nervous day

1st Full Moon]September, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Fine mgmorning. Boys went to church. I did not. ParryDr. George Parry
came. I felt low & weak with headache in egevening. A nice black dog - large retriever brought for our inspection. Church in egevening

Better. SessionsHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
in pouring rain. Home about 4. Then driving Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
to Hea from HeachamHeacham
. She & Dr InglebyHolcombe Ingleby
called & Misses Davy. Happy last egevening with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& ReggieReginald Seager Hunt
. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I told la fille de la salle a manger the we suspected her de boire

Very fine warm mgmorning. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
went for a short walk when arrived at NewsteadRobert Newstead
s cottage gave way & cried. Busy arranging for boys departure. Drove them after lunch in dog-cart to SnettishamSnettisham
. Poor lads, how my heart yearned towards GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
. CalthropHenry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop
at station. Then went to Davy'sIngoldisthorpe Hall (Mount Amelia), Ingoldisthorpe
. Never played tennis worse. Drove Larry home - MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
went out again in afternoon - All missed GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
- Tired

BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day. OliverLionel Oliver
drove me there & back. After lunch I went to BellamyDr. James Bellamy
's driving[?] Larry. Nice afternoon. Nurse took Bison to RingsteadRingstead
. Marnie left in aftnafternoon. We borrowing a horse from CurlThomas Curl
. There was an excursion to Yarmouth today. DonaldDonald Rolfe Hunt
did not go back

1st Full Moon]September, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Wet mgmorning. ParryDr. George Parry
came - MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
weak crying & low spirited. DonaldDonald Rolfe Hunt
went away. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
seeing him off. In aftnafternoon. Mrs BlackMary A F Black (née Rolfe)
called - OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
Henrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
s came round gave them a basket of peaches &c ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I looked for a rabbit. Found one dead one

Very fine warm day. Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. Sat & walked with vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
. Went to BinksEdward H Binks
. Bought a dish & took a fancy an ottom to a large sofa. In aftnafternoon MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I drove in brougham to church - MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
churched. She drove home after sitting a little with Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
who thoughtfully provided milk & brandy. I played 2 sets at tennis. Then the vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
walked with me as far as BinksEdward H Binks
. Very cold egevening. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
tried in rain for rabbit. BirchamMerrick B Bircham
of ChoseleyChoseley
called at lunch time about a Public House at Brancaster

Wet, gloomy day. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
busy with his butterflies - I with accounts. Rained all the mgmorning - Cleared up in egevening. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I looked for a rabbit & brought in nets. Letter from AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
this mgmorning saying they could not come until after next Friday

1st Full Moon]September, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
, JohnJohn Foster Hunt
, GeraldGerald Owen Hunt
& I to church. Fine day. After lunch ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I walked up through wood to CurlThomas Curl
's turnips[?] thinking of shooting tomorrow. I talked to the shepherd[?] about his row with Mason. Then CurlThomas Curl
s visit us. Walked home with them. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I to church in egevening.

ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I with young Tom CurlThomas Curl
spent most of the day walking turnips 4½ brace. Very nice fine day. I came home to lunch. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& Tom CurlThomas Curl
came in afterwards. Then we walked again. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
in the mgmorning drove with JohnJohn Foster Hunt
to HeachamHeacham
for ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
's box &c Anthony BlythAnthony Blyth
wrote for his book which was sent

Very fine. Walked to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
about 'paid [?]'. Walked with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
through wood &c. After lunch strolled with MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& NewsteadRobert Newstead
about garden talking about trees & other things. Figs from BeckettRev. William Thomas Beckett
Elizabeth Sarah Beckett (née Barrow)
s. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I walked to BinksEdward H Binks
for brass candlesticks. I bought clock & chair. Brighter in egevening

Packing up for Ernest. He & I walked with guns about wood & PlattenGeorge Platten
's stubble. After lunch he left by 2-20 train from SnettishamSnettisham Railway Station, Snettisham
- I felt very melancholy - JohnJohn Foster Hunt
& I drove on to HeachamHeacham
& saw Charlie StewartCharles Stewart
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. He wanted to go to HunstantonHunstanton
so I drove there. Rain in egevening. Very bad egevening.

1st Full Moon]September, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Nice mgmorning but with bitter cold wind. Walked about with MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
. Then to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
where I sat some time. A Mrs Smith asked me to write about her son in Bechuanaland. After lunch I took two books & gave them to Jemima. Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
& Mrs Davy called Miss Davy went upstairs into nursery - Harvest festival - good congregation. Very cold egevening but pleasant egevening

News from ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I went to BinksEdward H Binks
. Then in brougham to HeachamHeacham
passing through a shooting party - I lunched at Thompson's, saw & spoke to Mrs Ingleby & Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
walked part of the way home with me. Caught in shower & took shelter with Mr & Mrs OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
Henrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
in BinksEdward H Binks
. Jack OgleJohn Gilbert Ogle
here with his sisters. Unsatisfactory feeling but a good night

Fine but cold morning - rolled the lawn, wrote letters to BucklandFrancis Matthew Buckland
& ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
. After lunch paid carriage tax & sent Harry for chair from BinksEdward H Binks
. Went by train to HeachamHeacham
. Met AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
& Grace[?] there. Very cold indeed - Nice egevening

1st Full Moon]September, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Fine mgmorning with heavy showers - AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
, Grace[?], JohnJohn Foster Hunt
GeraldGertrude Ogle
& I to church by road[?] & home by road. Very cold. I alone in egevening & caught in heavy shower while going

Sessions at DockingHare Inn, Docking
. JohnJohn Foster Hunt
whipped for calling nurse names &c. OliverLionel Oliver
drove me. Not home until late - 4o'ck

After heavy rain fine day. Went to LynnLynn
. VicarJames Ambrose Ogle
on the train - Walked about with OliverLionel Oliver
aftwds. Conservative meeting. Met Emily & Florence came home with them. Shot a rabbit - but time before dinner very tedious

Rough showery day. OliverLionel Oliver
did not call for me - drove Bison after waiting to the BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
. After lunch ladies walked to BinksEdward H Binks
. I missed them - then to SkerryEliza Skerry
's for Postal Orders. InglebyHolcombe Ingleby
called about BarkerGeorge Nathan Barker
. Heavy rain at times. Dinner at 7 this egevening

1st Full Moon]October, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Fine mgmorning - present of little baby shoes from Romsey. Only Florence down to breakfast. AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
& I drove to & went over Houghton HallHoughton Hall, Houghton
. Florence & Gracie lunched at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. TweeddaleThomas Tweeddale
caught me outside & walked with me talking his Conservatism. I shot a rabbit

Cold mgmorning no sun. Walked with gun. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
came to lunch - We put up pheasants in wood - Then all went to church for christening. I walked back nearly all the way to HeachamHeacham
with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. Francis WhittakerFrancis Whittaker Hunt

Bad headache. Drove with Gracie to HunstantonHunstanton
. [?] back to HeachamHeacham
. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
[?] After lunch Emily & I walked to Heacham river & cut long grass & brought it home by HubbardThomas Henry Hubbard
s farm - shot a rabbit

1st Full Moon]October, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Gracie MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& GeraldGerald Owen Hunt
drove to church. AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
I Emily Florence & JohnJohn Foster Hunt
walked. Cold wind all day. AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
& I to church in egevening calling in at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford

Fine mgmorning. At home all the mgmorning - AliceAlice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)
left us after lunch - Gracie & MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
driving with her to SnettishamSnettisham
- I with Bison drove to meet Emily & Florence. Met them on the hill & then it began to rain

Florence & I drove to HunstantonHunstanton
- seeing Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
en route Home as the rain began - coming through RingsteadRingstead
- and poured the whole afternoon so stayed at home & round about

Fine mgmorning - while walking in park with gun met ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
who had walked over - he lunched here, then we looked for pheasants, put them up but lost them - Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
came, I walked part of the way back with them. Mr & Mrs OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
Henrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
dined here

1st Full Moon]October, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Very wet. Gracie left in the pouring rain. I walked to HeachamHeacham
to lunch ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
drove me back we again looked for pheasants - taking NewsteadRobert Newstead
- I shot hen pheasant but cock got away - ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
dined here

Fine mgmorning. I walked to Smiths at wash pitsWashpits, Sedgeford
to tell her what I had heard from Arthur Scott- about her son. Met vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
- In the egevening PlattenGeorge Platten
drove me to Docking - a Conservative meeting. When I took the chair - supper at Froom[?] PlattenGeorge Platten
drove me home

NewsteadRobert Newstead
had an accident with the mare - she & the cart being both overturned. Showery afternoon. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
went for a short drive Bison with Florence. OliverLionel Oliver
called. Walked round with gun [?] a shot. F. & G. OgleFrances Ogle
Gertrude Ogle
dined here

1st Full Moon]October, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

A dreadful day!!! Very cold wind. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
did not go out. Emily Florence & I walked by road to church. I alone in egevening - very much troubled in every way

Very black day. Drove with NewsteadRobert Newstead
to sessionsHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
- seeing Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
en route - she unhappy about P.O. saw ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. Drove OliverLionel Oliver
back to HeachamHeacham
. Miss Mitchell to lunch. Walked with Florence to Post Office & BinksEdward H Binks
. Then she & I along SnettishamSnettisham
road to meet brougham. I walked home alone

Over to HeachamHeacham
to shoot, but it rained too hard - unpacked some whisky & sent some here in tax cart. Sat a bit with Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
before lunch - Walked back home afterwds in rain

BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day. I was chairman. After lunch walked about to GoodliffeWilliam Goodliffe
s to change cheque - MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)

1st Full Moon]October, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
in mgmorning - To London after lunch. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
driving me & in pony cart - Bison



1st Full Moon]October, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long





1st Full Moon]October, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long



Returned to Sedgeford. Wagonette met me at SnettishamSnettisham Railway Station, Snettisham
- was angry at that at first, but was not sorry for MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
having sent it aftwds as it poured with rain. Strange day

1st Full Moon]October, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Sunday, JohnJohn Foster Hunt
& GeraldGerald Owen Hunt
& Miss Jennings[?] walked to church by road. I by park - Home by myself through Park. Church alone in egevening

Wet mgmorning. Drove to DockingHare Inn, Docking
. RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
driving with OliverLionel Oliver
- I had sent word to shop to say I wd drive myself & not go with them as I was late. Long sitting. Home about 5 o'ck. Very cold wind I bitterly cold. - walked about seeing NewsteadRobert Newstead
who in a trace hook had broken off pony car. Bison going off with a jump snapped it. Furniture talk in egevening

Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
, sat there a little while. Coming home met RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
. He lunched here & talked about furniture. Aftwds looked at PlattenGeorge Platten
's stables. Called on Mrs AnthonyAnnie Marie Anthony
- PlattenGeorge Platten
came after dinner he sat till past 10

BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day. I drove. RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
drove back here in my cart. OliverLionel Oliver
bringing me in brougham. They lunched here & left soon after - Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
called & Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
- I felt cold, drank a bottle of port at dinner & went to bed early

1st Full Moon]October, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
out. Brought home some [?] from guardian. Persuaded MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
to walk in sunshine - After lunch intended to walk to HeachamHeacham
but met vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
& went with him up street, he came here. I lent home "Society in London" & returned with him

Fine mgmorning. About 11 drove with MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
in dog-cart to HunstantonHunstanton
calling at Miss Fords[?] the dressmaker - Curious day like last Saturday - twice this afternoon. Walked about with gun missed hen pheasant. NewsteadRobert Newstead
called in mangold[?]

Heavy rain all day. To vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
in mgmorning & afternoon taking some books to lend to vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
- Wrote to RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
saying I would take a 10 year lease

1st Full Moon]November, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Bright day. All to church did not stay - We walked home by road - Very miserable low spirits all the afternoon. Calculating about furniture all egevening. Church alone in egevening. Home through park. Twice again

To our astonishment LaneWilliam Baxter Lane
the auctioneer Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
Mrs Binks turned up without any previous notice to us to arrange for making a catalogue from the sale of the furniture - busy day. Mr LaneWilliam Baxter Lane
gave us a woodcock

Heavy rain all day. I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
then drove to HeachamHeacham
. Saw Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
Mrs Spencer about [?] Miss Beck about dancing & RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. At home all the afternoon writing to Heal & Son, LaneWilliam Baxter Lane

Again wet. Letters from ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& ReggieReginald Seager Hunt
. No letter from Dixon[?]. In afternoon I called on Mrs PlattenMartha Anne Platten
& then sent her papers about Primrose League - Melancholy dull afternoon

1st Full Moon]November, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Fine after breakfast. Rolled the lawn - At eleven MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
Miss Jennings & 2 boys started for HeachamHeacham
for a dancing lesson - they soon returned however in the pouring rain - Afternoon Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
& Miss O called, I walked back with them to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
& sat there a little time with vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
who was not well - Today sent off certificate[?] of monies[?] & his[?] shares

Beautiful mgmorning - I walked to SnettishamSnettisham
to send off a telegram to Dixon - met vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
there - after lunch MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I with Bison drove to HeachamHeacham
Mrs Spencer out but Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
in. Cheque came this mgmorning £95-13-7

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
with brougham to HeachamHeacham
- bringing back Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
to lunch - LaneWilliam Baxter Lane
had called to say "inventory[?]" was to be used. After pulling out a lot of old things I drove Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
back to HeachamHeacham
. Beds came from Heal

1st Full Moon]November, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
did not go to church. I went to church alone in egevening Very dark

Sessions at HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
. OliverLionel Oliver
broke the splashboard of dog-cart. At home all the afternoon. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
very busy. New beds unpacked & put up in attics

Lunch at StanhoeStanhoe Hall, Stanhoe
. Shot aftwds with CalthropHenry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop
& BulwerHenry Earle Bulwer
- Drove home aftwds in dark

BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
came home with me to lunch. We looked for pheasant aftwds in rain I walked part of the way to HeachamHeacham
with him twice

1st Full Moon]November, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

To vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
for library books - Wrote to vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
mentioning CrispWilliam Crisp
School fee grievance. After lunch Committee meeting at Hunstanton Convalescent HomeHunstanton Convalescent Home, Hunstanton
. Returned later than I expected. Reading [?] Justin McCarthy[?] in egevening. Wrote to ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
to say he might visit LalehamLaleham School, Laleham

Fine but cold mgmorning. With MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
in garden & about - all the mgmorning. At home all day. After dinner in brougham to SandringhamSandringham House, Sandringham
- Home about 3 a-m County ball at Sandringham Article in the British Newspaper Archive

At StanhoeStanhoe Hall, Stanhoe
about 11. CalthropHenry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop
Geoff Hollway BulwerHenry Earle Bulwer
Sir F Boileau[?]Francis George Manningham Boileau
& self shot. Driving - all day. Very dark & wet starting home but arrived safe

1st Full Moon]November, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Fresh cold mgmorning. All to church. PalmerFrederick William Henry Palmer
did duty. Wrote to RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
about sale. Church alone in egevening. PalmerFrederick William Henry Palmer

Fine frosty mgmorning 12 degrees of frost during night. RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
& Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
here. I dined at IngoldisthorpeIngoldisthorpe
- RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
dined here & addressed agricultural labourers afterwards. Our children went to HeachamHeacham
with Miss Jennings & nurse

RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
& Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
again Packing & men came to lot for sale. RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
went to a meeting at N Creake

Again RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
& Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
packing. Mrs Buckworth came about Primrose League, We became Knight & Dame Full members of the Primrose League

1st Full Moon]November, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Sale day - Luckily it was fine. MitchellRev. John Francis Mitchell
came. He & I went to Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
about lunch time. A Such a day as one never experienced before

Fine mgmorning because[?] I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- People taking away furniture all day. Especially BinksEdward H Binks
. Very cold. Dined early because of meeting at IngoldisthorpeIngoldisthorpe
where I took the chair. Rolfe spoke

"Ancestors arrived". Measured for wardrobe &c busy about the house all day - matters clearing up.

1st Full Moon]November, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

I went to church in mgmorning. Walked to HeachamHeacham
in aftnafternoon. Meeting InglebyHolcombe Ingleby
, Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
. They came here - a failure!! Church in egevening alone

Rather a gloomy day. Still washing up & cleaning & making ready for furniture. Did not go to political meeting at HeachamHeacham
. JohnJohn Foster Hunt
& Miss Jennings walked over & back taking FrankFrancis Whittaker Hunt
with them. Threatening rain. MitchellRev. John Francis Mitchell
came to lunch.

Letters from ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
&c Primrose League & called on Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
. Then came the rain, rain all day & night. Furniture van arrived men to be fed & truck of furniture too at station. I walked to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
to talk about a "carriage paid"

Began the unpacking of the furniture. I drove to BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
. Wet day. Unpacking and placing furniture all day

1st Full Moon]November, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Dull day unpacking still. Dixons men very churl[?] - Busy day

House beginning to appear a little more ship shape - but still all in a muddle though still nothing like it might have been had not all put willing hands to work bar one. In the egevening a Political Meeting at SnettishamSnettisham
at which I took the chair. BagenalPhilip H. Bagenal
spoke. One Duncan & Bridgewater

Men left & we set to work ourselves. Wrote a testimonial for them. In the mgmorning met Mr OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
in the village

1st Full Moon]November & December, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

I walked to church. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
very late. Nasty drizzly cold wet mgmorning. I alone in afternoon egevening. Walked through Park. Home by road

Sessions at DockingHare Inn, Docking
. I drove with Bison as mare was wanted to bring children home from Heachm. Long sitting home late in the dark. Children home - Mrs AnthonyAnnie Marie Anthony
bought large glass[?] of Mr RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
from drawing-room

Fine day. CurlThomas Curl
came at breakfast time & glass was put up in the drawing-room & ottoman mended. I walked about the village Primrosing[?] all day. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
drove in brougham to Mrs BrownCecilia Brown
& Mrs BrookeOlivia Brooke
. Met Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
promised to dine there tomorrow. Letter from ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
about ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& [?]. Wrote GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
. Walked to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
about bills[?] piano &c

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& Miss Jennings missed the train at SnettishamSnettisham Railway Station, Snettisham
. I about village Primrose L. Walked about with Miss Harriet RolfeHarriet Jane Neville Rolfe
all the afternoon. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I dined at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
in egevening

1st Full Moon]December, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

About the village with papers - Met vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
gave some to Fring men - Children went to HeachamHeacham
to dance - Piano came and was put up after hard work with Whitly in drawing-room. New cook came awful shock. MitchellRev. John Francis Mitchell
came to lunch. Unpacked clock & [?] Misses BrookeNaomi Brooke
Sarah E Brooke
called also Mrs Davy

Bitter cold wind. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& Miss J went to LynnLynn
. Walked with PlattenGeorge Platten
& met a friend of his Oldham - MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
brought lots of packages home from LynnLynn
. PlattenGeorge Platten
called to borrow some gloves & CurlThomas Curl
also sent for some. Put down carpet in study after dinner

Walked to BinksEdward H Binks
& paid Mrs Binks a cheque. NewsteadRobert Newstead
hung pictures on the staircase all the afternoon

1st Full Moon]December, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Church alone in the mgmorning. Walked to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
in afternoon. Station master out. Then to schools & enlisted Foster [?] & motherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
into Primrose League - Church in egevening

Primrose League in the mgmorning. Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& Dr [?]? in the village. In aftnafternoon Miss BeckettMary Christiana Beckett
& Mrs PlattenMartha Anne Platten
called - out late arranging for tomorrow. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
gave Mrs CrispAnne Crisp (née Jarrett)
some Primrose Leagueing to do & we showed her over house

Up early drove FosterRobert Forster
SkipperLeonard Skipper
& Batley to poll. Then up village met Mrs BrookeOlivia Brooke
& vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
went home with him he had been here - Books carpets &c in afternoon, snow at & after lunch - Snow & haw frost during night

Tolerably fine in mgmorning but very dull dismal day. Walked to the BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
& back - In afternoon heard that ArchJoseph Arch
was elected & was like every one else sick at heart: Wrote some letters in egevening

1st Full Moon]December, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Letter from CalthropHenry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop
asking me to shoot but no. ArchJoseph Arch
too much. Children went with sleigh to dancing. Met vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
in village & walked with him. Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
& FrancesFrances Ogle
came in afternoon.

Still freezing - Letter from BlythAnthony Blyth
about HunstantonHunstanton
Public House coursing[?] meeting. I walked about with gun all the mgmorning. Saw several hares - After lunch went for Postal Orders for ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
met Miss Ogle. Walked with her to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- then walked a bit with him. JohnJohn Foster Hunt
& GeraldGerald Owen Hunt
had skates on for the first time. JohnJohn Foster Hunt
doing well. Clocks came from Miss Lewis

JohnJohn Foster Hunt
& GeraldGerald Owen Hunt
skated again & so did I. GeraldGerald Owen Hunt
gave up in tears - Lent some skates to Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
. Harry CrispHarry Charles Crisp
put a pair on. Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
. ChineryWalter Chinery
from workhouse came for warrant at lunch time gave him a summons. NewsteadRobert Newstead
in mgmorning drove to SnettishamSnettisham
with telegram &c. Cracken[?] came. Put up curtains in drawing room & study - doubtful about freezing

1st Full Moon]December, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Church in mgmorning I alone. Very cold thaw. damp & dismal. To vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
in afternoon. Church again in egevening through Park. Seaman walked home with me.

Sessions at HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
- OliverLionel Oliver
& I sat. Le StrangeHamon Le Strange
was there did not sit. Alfred LewisAlfred Lewis
& others charged with being on premises after hours - had to convict. Scott DurbinJohn Henry Scott-Durbin
drove OliverLionel Oliver
& me back to HeachamHeacham
I went into ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
s & sat there some time. Saw Kemp's new reading room. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
walked part of the way home with me - FosterRalph Browne Forster
the schoolmaster came in about a concert - Then JohnJohn Foster Hunt
upset the lamp in the drawing-room. Most alarming. Luckily no fire. Honest[?] warning to go Monday 14th

One of the most beautiful days in the whole year - MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
went in brougham to Mrs Davy'sIngoldisthorpe Hall (Mount Amelia), Ingoldisthorpe
with [?] & brought horn[?] from Snettisham stationSnettisham Railway Station, Snettisham
- I had walked to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
in the mgmorning & paid bill. There learnt that Prince of Wales passed through this mgmorning. Stores[?] from Moore[?] came in afternoon. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I went to Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
after lunch & sat there a long time

Fine but bitter wind. I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
& saw Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
. Met Mr OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
in village. ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
came to lunch - Walked back half way to HeachamHeacham
with him in afternoon - MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
not feeling well.

1st Full Moon]December, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
felt worse - she did not get up all day. In the mgmorning I walked through village changing cheque at GoodliffeWilliam Goodliffe
's. Heard that ArchJoseph Arch
was dead He wasn't - ordered coals from Batch. Called on Mrs Mason & around at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
& talked with MrsHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
& Miss Ogle. Then to widow Brown - coming home found vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
in CrispWilliam Crisp
's cottage. Brought him here. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
still in bed. Walked back with vicarJames Ambrose Ogle
- Children driven by SkipperLeonard Skipper
with Bison to dancing. After lunch to fetch ParryDr. George Parry
- ChineryWalter Chinery
summons[?]. ParryDr. George Parry
did not come. DonaldDonald Rolfe Hunt
& Caroline did.

ParryDr. George Parry
came all undecided as to what is the matter. Walked about with gun - At lunch ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
walked in - very glad to see him. He & I went out aftwds with guns. Nothing to fire at. Things from London Gave NewsteadRobert Newstead
his blankets, most excellent blankets. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
gave me a barometer. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)

ParryDr. George Parry
came. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
better. Walked to Mrs PlattenMartha Anne Platten
& gave her P.L.Primrose League diplomas then the same for GoodliffeWilliam Goodliffe
s. Young person came for parlourmaid's place. After lunch ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I drove to Snettisham stationSnettisham Railway Station, Snettisham
& gave RoweJames Welham Rowe
a turkey. Talked to Lambert & Miss Beck - paid for some pudding bowls. Mrs Buckworth called. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
nearly fainted. In the mgmorning I gave NewsteadRobert Newstead
£2 for Batch for coal

1st Full Moon]December, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Church with ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& DonaldDonald Rolfe Hunt
in the mgmorning - Sat with Mr & Mrs CurlThomas Curl
Elizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
in aftnafternoon. Church alone in egevening.

Met PlattenGeorge Platten
& talked with him. Drove Miss Jennings to the stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
- SnettishamSnettisham Railway Station, Snettisham
- back again within the hour. After lunch I & boys cut up fallen tree. Mrs OgleHenrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
called & I walked back part of the way with her

To LynnLynn
with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
all day there - not at all well - Bought a lamp & wash-hand stand at LynnLynn
. ParryDr. George Parry

To BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
. OliverLionel Oliver
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
came to lunch & stayed till past 3. Primrose League diplomas dispensed. ParryDr. George Parry
met me at BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
gates. He looked very ill - GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& ReggieReginald Seager Hunt
came home - vexed with FrankFrancis Matthew Buckland
's letter.

1st Full Moon]December, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Bright morning - NewsteadRobert Newstead
& I took Bison & mare drove boys to dancing. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I after talking to Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
went on to HunstantonHunstanton
. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
bought a good selection of toys. Walked to Post Office. Widows came in mgmorning

Disappointing thaw cold misty - Boys & I to church. All down to dinner - Happy with presents - Caroline managed wonderfully well - Xmas tree after tea - Children had a very happy day I think

I walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- then MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I picked some aconites & primroses out on the river bank - After lunch the OglesJames Ambrose Ogle
Henrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)
came & made us all play hockey[?] - very hot & tired & feeble & nervous. Altogether seedy[?] Misses Davy called Children had a small Cafe" dinner at tea on children's dinner service [?] in the egevening

1st Full Moon]December, 1885[Day 7h 72m. long

Fine bright mgmorning - all to church except me - I had a head. After lunch three times - Did not go to church at all

Sessions at DockingHare Inn, Docking
. Le StrangeHamon Le Strange
& CalthropHenry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop
there. Home about 4 - felt very ill about the head. Miss BeckettMary Christiana Beckett
here - Letter from FredFrederick Seager Hunt
in the mgmorning Stormy night wind & snow

Horrible cold wind. Walked to shop - Wrote to FredFrederick Seager Hunt
. Larry came after lunch. I went out for a moment & returned with a frightful head which kept me in pain all the rest of the day & night. So MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
wrote for ParryDr. George Parry

Bright mgmorning. JohnJohn Foster Hunt
's birthday. Up late head still bad. Head worse & worse. Mr OgleJames Ambrose Ogle
came round before lunch. ParryDr. George Parry
came in afternoon & comforted me. Miss BeckettMary Christiana Beckett
came to tea with a niece.

1st Full Moon]December, 1885 & January, 1886[Day 7h 72m. long

Shooting all day at CurlThomas Curl
's with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
InglebyHolcombe Ingleby
&c Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
& Mrs Addington[?] in afternoon called on Mrs CurlElizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)
- Mrs OliverCatherine Ford Oliver (née Grant)
called here.

Wet mgmorning but drove to RingsteadRingstead
road & found InglebyHolcombe Ingleby
meant shooting - turned out not a bad day - Alfred LewisAlfred Lewis
with us - left off at HeachamHeacham
- sat with ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
had a pipe & some whisky & water then walked home, in very dark, MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
getting anxious

Beautiful morning. Walked to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
, found Larry there alone. Then young woman called to have an order signed - PlattenGeorge Platten
came, walked a bit with him

January, 1886

All went to church in mgmorning - MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
walked home. Did not go concert in egevening. RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
dined here

At home all the mgmorning. RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
& Miss Addington called in aftnafternoon

Shot at StanhoeStanhoe Hall, Stanhoe
. Very high wind. Dined at BeckettRev. William Thomas Beckett

BoardDocking Workhouse, Docking
day. Frightful row after lunch

MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I walked to BinksEdward H Binks
- Hair cut. Children (4) went to BeckettRev. William Thomas Beckett

Snow. MotherAlice Hunt (née Mortimore)
& I in sledges to HeachamHeacham
- flooded the pond

In aftnafternoon GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
& I took a piece of cake to vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford
- we walked up Shernborne Hill

I & 4 boys to church in mgmorning not in [?]

Sessions at HunstantonHunstanton Town Hall, Hunstanton
by [?]

At home all day

Lat verses

Very nice day. Audit. Dinner at HunstantonHunstanton

Lunch at vicarageThe Vicarage, Sedgeford

Fine day. [?] Football


Fine day. Shooting large party. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
walked with me all day

Walked to Mrs PlattenMartha Anne Platten
in mgmorning at home all aftnafternoon. Wrote to thank FredFrederick Seager Hunt

Boys skated then dancing. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I walked round with guns. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
shot a crow. Then lunch. RolfeEustace Neville Rolfe
& ThompsonGeorge Thomas Thompson
came. ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt
& I to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
, he to EtonEton College, Windsor

Windy day. I walked in the mgmorning to HeachamHeacham
- Miss Jennings came in afternoon. I went to stationSedgeford railway station, Sedgeford
to meet her

Walked with GilbertGilbert Mortimore Hunt
up village about Primrose League. After lunch he & I meeting MitchellRev. John Francis Mitchell
at BinksEdward H Binks
. Walked to SnettishamSnettisham
- Gilbertson[?] & Cookson[?] with us - were going to P.L. meeting at HeachamHeacham
but note from Mrs StewartDorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)
put us off.

Snowy mgmorning. Letter from ErnestWalter Ernest Hunt


Walter and Alice lived on at Sedgeford Hall until 1898. Shortly after 1885, Alice took up a hobby as an amateur photographer. She took many photographs in and around Sedgeford and North West Norfolk. The Alice Hunt Collection of photograhs is available online.

Sadly Ernest died only four years after this diary was written. He died at 7, Cromwell Rd., London, Fred's home. He was still a pupil at Eton CollegeEton College, Windsor
at the time.

By the time the Hunts left Sedgeford several of the other children had left the family home and started to make their own ways in the world.

Gilbert had made a trip to New Zealand in 1890 and then attended Trinity Hall, Cambridge. He joined the Sherwood Foresters Regiment. He was subsequently posted to the British Central Africa Administration in 1897 and was put in charge of Fort Lister. He died there in 1898 of malaria. He was buried at Fort Lister and his grave is still marked.

Reggie joined the 3rd battalion of the Norfolk Regiment in 1897 and subsequently moved through several other army regiments. He served in the trenches of World War I where he was awarded a D.S.O for an operation at Monchy-le-Preuse near Arras. He met Donald a few times in the trenches. Reggie resigned his commission having attained the rank of Lt. Col. in 1921. He never married and retired to Walcott-on-sea in Norfolk where he died in 1942.

Donald joined the Cape Mounted Riflemen and sailed for South Africa in 1896. He settled in King Williams Town. A keen rugby player, he found himself playing for King Williams Town against what he described as "An England football team" that toured South Africa later that same year. That "England football team" tour is now recognised as one of the earliest British & Irish Lions tours. England won 25-0. He fought in the Second Boer War. He subsequently joined the South African Scottish regiment and fought in World War I where he fought on the Somme at Delville Wood, the 3rd Battle of Ypres and many other places along the front line. He married Grizel Scott in 1917, had three daughters and died in Pietermaritzburg in 1949.

John followed in the Mortimore family leather tanning tradition. He specialised in research into the chemical methods of the tanning industry. He worked in Hungary and Turkey. He retired to Izmir in Turkey where he died in 1931.

The rest of the family moved to Hart Hill in St. John's, Woking in 1898. They also acquired a house by the sea at 15, Grimston Ave., Folkestone.

Walter died at Grimston Ave. in 1903.

After Walter died, Alice moved to Lovell's Hall, Terrington St. Clements in Norfolk and then to Heighington Manor, Lincolnshire. She finally moved to Felmingham, Norfolk where she remained until she died in 1926.

Gerald started on a life in banking with the London and Westminster Bank but found himself diverted to tea and rubber plantation management in Ceylon, maybe as a result of his youngest sister's marriage to a tea plantation manager. He served at Gallipoli in World War I. He married Helen Balloch in 1914, had two sons and died in Woking in 1939.

Gertie lived with her mother at Hart Hill, Lovell's Hall, Heighington Manor and Felmingham. After the death of her mother she moved to a bungalow in Aylsham, Norfolk where she died in 1977.

Nona married Thomas Purdy in 1908 and moved to Woodgate House, Aylsham, Norfolk. They had two sons and two daughters. Woodgate House is still in the ownership of the Purdy family.

Frank attended Oriel College, Oxford where he studied theology. He was ordained in 1911 and became Rector of Toddington, Beds. He never married and died at Toddington in 1951.

Helen was born in 1887 at Sedgeford Hall after the diary was written. She followed the family until her marriage to Alfred Matthew, a Ceylon tea plantation manager, in 1921 and moved to Ceylon. After moving back to England and with three children, they first lived in Diss, Norfolk and finally moved to Winchester where she died in 1957. Helen and Alfred are my grandparents.

People mentioned in the diary

Susan Alcock

John Nicholas Anthony

Annie Marie Anthony

Joseph Arch

Philip H. Bagenal

Samuel Baldwin

George Nathan Barker

Jacob Bass

Catharine Bass

Frederic Bateman

Rev. William Thomas Beckett

Elizabeth Sarah Beckett (née Barrow)

Mary Christiana Beckett

Dr. James Bellamy

Edward H Binks

Thomas Binks

Merrick B Bircham

Mary A F Black (née Rolfe)

Anthony Blyth

Francis George Manningham Boileau

Rev. Henry Hugh Bridgwater

Leonard Brooke

Olivia Brooke

Sarah E Brooke

Naomi Brooke

William Brown

Cecilia Brown

Francis Matthew Buckland

Henry Earle Bulwer

Walter Chinery

William Crisp

Anne Crisp (née Jarrett)

Harry Charles Crisp

Dora May Crisp

Elizabeth Curl (née Hebgin)

Thomas Curl

Thomas Curl

Katharine Davy

Sir Peter Eade

Edward Ewen

Norman Macleod Ferrers

Emily Ferrers (née Lamb)

Robert Forster

Ralph Browne Forster

William Goodliffe

James Grange

Evelina Grange

William Grantham

Hugh James Hare

Anna Hare (née Graver-Browne)

John Hugh Montague Hare

Elijah David Hines

Geoffrey Fynes Clinton Hollway

James Hollway

Henry Calthrop Hollway-Calthrop

Thomas Henry Hubbard

Mary Anne Hudson

Frederick Seager Hunt

Alice Harriet Hunt (née Hunt)

James Edward Hunt

Alice Hunt (née Mortimore)

Walter Freeman Hunt

Walter Ernest Hunt

Gilbert Mortimore Hunt

Reginald Seager Hunt

Donald Rolfe Hunt

John Foster Hunt

Gerald Owen Hunt

Gertrude Maud Hunt

Nona Isabel Hunt

Francis Whittaker Hunt

Holcombe Ingleby

Agnes Jones

Agnes M Jones

Charles Napier Kelly

James Lay Lambert

William Baxter Lane

George Lawson

Hamon Le Strange

Alfred Lewis

Thomas Babington Macaulay

Rev. John Francis Mitchell

Foster Mortimore

Gertrude Harriett Mortimore

Bernard James Newmarch

Robert Newstead

Herbert Newstead

Gerard Henry Uctred Noel

James Ambrose Ogle

Henrietta Agneta Ogle (née Pellew)

Charles Pellew Ogle

Frances Ogle

Gertrude Ogle

John Gilbert Ogle

William Laurence Ogle

Ambrose Addington Ogle

Lionel Oliver

Catherine Ford Oliver (née Grant)

Sarah Oughton

Frederick William Henry Palmer

Dr. George Parry

George Platten

Martha Anne Platten

Simms Reeve

Eustace Neville Rolfe

Ernest Neville Rolfe

Harriet Jane Neville Rolfe

James Welham Rowe

Ann Rush

John Henry Scott-Durbin

William Shaw

Tom Simmons

Eliza Skerry

Leonard Skipper

Henry Cockburn Stewart

Dorothy Mary Stewart (née Rolfe)

Charles Stewart

George Thomas Thompson

Thomas Tweeddale

Eleanor Coates Tylden (née Bellamy)

Map of locations

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Walter Freeman Hunt. Date: 2021-11