A genealogy of the Selwyn family
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Inscription to Charles Jasper Selwyn on the wall of Blockley church.
To the Rev. Charles Jasper Selwyn, M.A., descended from an
antiente and respectable family in the County of Gloucester, late
Rector of Beverstone in the same County, and. the very exemplary
vicar of the parish of Blockley in the County of Worcester. He
departed this life 10th of September, 1794 in the 67th year of his
age, and 41st of his ministry. He was buried in the adjoining parish
of Batsford The memory of this excellent man will be dear to the
wise and good, so long as Christian zeal in a Minister of the
Church of England, unshaken integrity in a well-informed
Magistrate, and the exact observance of every Christian, social,
and relative duty exercised upon all occasions with uncommon
humility are held in estimation and respect. These words, so justly
descriptive of the character they commemorate, are inscribed on
this tablet by a friend to truth and real merit, with the hope, that the
many virtues, and the bright example of so valuable a member of
society may be long remembered by the present generation, and
may be transmitted to future ages for the benefit of the latest
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