Salcombe 2023

Southpool Creek from Allenhayes Rd.
Southpool Creek from Allenhayes Rd.
Southpool Creek from Allenhayes Rd.
Woodgrange, Devon Rd.
Former residence of Tom Simmons and Alice, brother-in-law and sister of Alice Hunt
Southpool Creek from Courtenay playground
Southpool Creek from Courtenay playground
Holy Trinity, Salcombe from the bottom of Market St.
Holy Trinity, Salcombe from the bottom of Market St.
Holy Trinity, Salcombe from the bottom of Market St.
Holy Trinity, Salcombe from the bottom of Market St.
Ferry Steps
Ferry Steps
View from near Woodgrnge
Southpool Creek from Courtenay playground
Southpool Creek from Courtenay playground
Salcombe lifeboat memorial at Courtenay playground
Salcombe lifeboat memorial at Courtenay playground
View of Salcombe from East Portlemouth
View of Salcombe from East Portlemouth
Brenda trying to reenact a scene from the Alice Hunt Collection on a beach at East Portlemouth