Ring-necked parakeet in Hyde Park

Ring-necked parakeet in Hyde Park

The district line and Earls Court station below our hotel room

The grave of John Snow , father of modern epidemiology, in Brompton Cemetery

A grave in Brompton Cemetery

The district line and Earls Court station below our hotel room

The Albert memorial

The Serpentine Pavilion

The Serpentine Pavilion

The Serpentine Pavilion

Speakers' Corner

Marble Arch

A Gentleman of the Selwyn Family by Hans Eworth at the Wallace collection

Detail from A Gentleman of the Selwyn Family by Hans Eworth at the Wallace collection

A Gentleman of the Selwyn Family by Hans Eworth at the Wallace collection

The Swing by Jean-Honoré Fragonard in the Wallace Collection

Bust of King Charles I commissioned by George Selwyn at the Wallace Collection

St. George's, Hanover Square

The New Zealand War Memorial near the Wellington Arch

The New Zealand War Memorial near the Wellington Arch
London 2019